Quote Originally Posted by Archpaladin Zousha View Post
What's a Voidharrow?
I'm pretty certain it was a tiny Obyrith Shard (modified by Tharizdun to get him out of prison), but I could be wrong.

Anyway, the original Obyrith Shard was created by the Obyriths so they could migrate to and attune to a new reality, hence permitting them to continue to live on after their old reality was destroyed. The attunement is a procedure that slowly and inevitably changes reality into something resembling the Obyrith's original one. That is what created the Abyss and it's various demonic species, why entire planes will occasionally fall into it, and how the Blood war got started.

That of course raises the question of what will happen once everything is infected/attuned/assimilated/Abyssalized. I'm thinking that the death of reality will be used to create a new Shard to attune to the next reality that comes along, granting the Obyriths a kind of immortality that gods can only dream of. And if that's the case, then who knows how many times it might already have happened.

The only way to stop such a cycle would be to destroy reality before the prerequisites for creating a new shard could be met. Who knows what that kind of realization might do to an otherwise kind and benevolent god?