I've been developing a tabletop skirmish game for quite a while now and figured I should let people see it.
Blood in the Streets Core Rules
Blood in the Streets is a skirmish game where small teams called warbands battle one another with the idea of long form campaigns built in. Warbands gain money and experience after each mission, and can purchase new units or have their existing units advance in ability or gain new skills or equipment. However, units also have the possibility of permanently dying or gaining lingering injuries. There are plenty of weapon types, armor, and miscellaneous equipment to equip your units with to improve their performance.

The game is in a 100% playable state, but I do make gradual changes still. I intend to add a few more factions as well as add more flavor to the current ones. The rules and game are very lore-light as of right now, leaving it something of a blank canvas.

Feedback is always appreciated! I've been staring at this for a long time so it's quite likely that I can't tell when things aren't clear.