"Well considering that the only reason I'm not just teleporting on there and killing every single one of them will my bare hands until I find Beryl, then killing the Warlord, is because they have anti-ki and EMP tech, go ahead. Considering what you are, as long as you have a power that bypasses both, they're screwed. Which you probably do.

Unless of course the anti-ki somehow turns out to be anti-whatever else as well, which would be pure bull on lucks part. I don't consider that likely. Its not as if they have any logical way to prepare for all things you can theoretically do, as opposed to the Masala and 45's reality warping, both of which are ki based.

So, whatever ends this quickest in my favor. My original plan was to come in do the tactical shooter thing but hey, I'm not above unleashing a child god on these people and watching the hilarity ensue."

She opens speaks on the communicator.
"Warlord, this is the real Jade Refera. You took my wife. Give her back, along with letting me take that Veru'nas child into my custody, and I'll let you go. Refuse...and you will know the meaning of horror. This is your last chance. That is all."

Kurumo vs. Shanakan:
"hmph, as expected of a mere mortal, can't keep their emotions in chec-"
Shanakan charges forward snarling, swiping at Kurumo who steps back in time.
"Stop that. have you no heart?"
"Heart, is for mortals."
Kurumo says harshly.
"Mortals are ruled by their attachments. It is their place to be so. As is my place to be free from attachments. It is so that I can guide and direct this universe to a better end. After all, mortals cannot truly direct themselves. Their lot is to feel to squander their lives in petty so-called happiness, in fleeting emotions that carry them into chaos, a constantly background war of emotion that eventually generates a God of Destruction capable of carrying out its purpose: to end that which fails, to delete that which is no longer needed. Conflict is not a bug, but a feature. Just another component intentionally included so that the engine of this universe keeps turning. A god of Destruction cannot be forged from peace or cold logic.

It is my place to be rational, to be the one that knows best. To your place to let your betters guide you. All your projects and desires- are fleeting. I bet your planetary construction technology will be used as weapon within a decade or two or something like that. Mortals turning whatever tool they can into a weapon is predictable as the sun rising. To destroy, to rage, to cry, to be savages fighting each other over your petty emotions until you die- that is the fate of all mortals under the sky. No one can do anything about such messiness, but I can at least use such a fate to make things cleaner overall."

He raises and clenches his fist as he does so.
"Better that than.... Trombone. You are all like him. Ruled by heart in your foolish causes, thinking everything outside your narrow view of things is wrong. Some emotions, some powers are just too great to tolerate and must be deleted before they destroy everything else."
"This is all about Trombone isn't it? You see him everywhere, see him in every mortal that defies you, every mortal seeks to make their own destiny. Not about us, but a foe you've fought long ago. A foe you believe are still fighting, or will fight eventually."
"and considering recent events, am I incorrect?"
"Not entirely. There is definitely cultists of him still around. But your letting your prejudice rule you. You say your above mortal feelings....but really, the way you act, as your as mortal as they come, ruled by your disdain and your paranoia, ruled by the grief and loss of people you never got over, ruled by your need to prove that it was all worth it in the end, that all the sacrifices you made were towards something greater, but really all its all sunk cost-
Kurumo punches him in the face and Shanakan rolls with it and spits out blood.
Kurumo is growling at this.
"I'll make rug out of you, cat. It will be a nice decoration for the poetry section of my library."
"Wait you read poetry-"
He is forced to dodge as Kurumo goes on the offensive.

"GIF UP!? Datz Unorky dat iz! WAAAAAAAAAAGGHH!!!"
He charges into the illusionary Mekrashin clone, completely fooled by the illusion yes, but unfortunately the default orkish response to that suggestion is to kill the Unorky bastard immediately. after all Orkz never give up, because they never lose. They just go away a bit before coming back to give a battle another go, thats all, and if they die, they fighting so its not really a loss.

"A True Hero never gives up! My Underdogs Always Win Technique will see me through!"
He charges in, but he isn't actually an underdog here. He is even at best. Which means he is making a mistake in a battle that could go either way, and gets unexpectedly dealt a powerful blow by Luxana stabbing his soul through with a sun spear.
"The world is not something to exploit."
She kicks him away, a hole now in his soul as he realizes that he was fooled, and he stands back up eyes narrowing.