Quote Originally Posted by theVoidWatches View Post
How are the CD and the Aura competing? They do different things - the CD lets people rally to you (which can bring them into your Aura) or else gives an extra attack/cantrip, while the Aura is a utility effect letting you share skills.
Sorry, I misquoted/misremembered. Inspiring Presence gives Temp HP, and then King's Touch gives Temp HP. I know one is low-level and only 5 Temp HP and the other is high-level and starts out at up 37.5, but whichever is newest wipes out the other.

Quote Originally Posted by sengmeng View Post
I'm a bit confused at this interpretation; "You no longer have a 14th level ability" implies that you missed its benefits afterwards, but "it promotes suicidal play" implies that you are encouraged to use it by those very same benefits. It's more thematic than anything, so I'm definitely not dropping it, but I guess it is a bit confusing and I'd welcome any suggestions to the wording.
I like the ability and the kick-ass flavor of getting to be Gandalf, but the one-time-use nature of it makes me feel less like it's an ability and more like activating a magic item. It's like the Ravenloft holy symbols and weapons turned into a character ability, a plot device and then it's over. Take someone that is an optimizer/min-maxxer and make him a 14th level Grey Wizard, and the first thing he does is jump off a cliff or something to trigger the Metamorphosis.
It would be less true to the Gandalf theme, but if it happened any time you were reduced to 0 HP but the transformation lasted for a set duration (10 minutes or something) then it would feel more like an ability and less...jarring?