Warlord Ixil got an indication. Oh right. The metalmen. Activating a full-spectrum transmission so as to be audible in all frequencies, he released a single message.

Get off my ship, you worthless scrap-heaps!! He didn't even need to fake his frustration, as he was running out of ways to deal with this child. It is thankful it teleported into an already empty part of the ship, but now he was worried, because it was only a few rooms away from the Arclight Generator. Improper shutdown procedures could potentially break containment, and release it. This was very bad.

You should leave. He said through the intercom to the child. If you go any further, we're all going to die.

Though several of the smaller ships escorting the Dreadnought kept firing on the Shenron, the Warlord himself was well and truly distracted, allowing them to approach, if they kept evading fire.


Oooh, that's smart. You're smart, Beryl! Nelnine chirped excitedly, almost whipping Beryl with his tail as he turned started sniffing, attempting to track down the doctor by his sense of smell. It must be keen, since he was making good progress through several rooms and doorways, before coming to a sudden stop. The room was empty, and the way forward seemed obvious, but what changed is that this time, Nelnine ran face-first into a wall. The door being just to the right of where he collided.

Ow, hey! He exclaimed in annoyance, rubbing his snout with a tentacle. I can't sense this wall! What's going on?