Instantly all the metalmen fall over crying. "chupopopopopopoooooooo....." uselessly. Sir Technon mentally hardier than most, manages just enough energy to press a button that deploys a new rocket pack to the first Metalman out in space before falling over himself. How could he be so mean!?

This first metalman, grabs the jetpack and straps it on, then opens his mouth and with his lava saliva, splatters the lava over his ears that cool to being rock. This was always apart of the plan. The Metalmen were aware of their emotional shortcomings, their inability to take an insult. Therefore their contingency plans always had a small group of metalmen be in the position to deafen themselves and carry out the mission themselves when all the others inevitably get insulted. This metalman here was in fact none other than their ace: Auta Coggeera. He was one such few who undertook these most important of tasks, for the lone number is to convince the enemy that there is a chance of success so that they don't automatically retreat, and is the most highly trained.

Auta Coggeera flies back to the Shenron and salutes then offers his arms for Jade, Masala Pinappla, and Orkomajin 45. Jade hands Pinappla an Instant Space Suit Capsule that in a POOF! of smoke, protects her from space with a sudden space suit then they all grab onto Auta Coggeera and hands on as he flies to the Veru'nas ship. They had many such capsules prepared for this.

Can't sense the wall? She looks at the door, then at wall he ran into. Common sense dictated that he merely didn't look where he was going, but....wasn't his species blind, so that wouldn't make sense? he got genes for ki, but if there is anti-ki stuff all around shouldn't he be not able to do sense ki at all? Or did he mean smell? It wouldn't be too surprising if a child mixed up one sense for another but Nelnine wasn't stupid. So perhaps ki sensing didn't "count"? Did the suppression only affect active use of it and not PERCEIVING ki?

But that can't true, he just said he couldn't perceive the wall. So it would have to, but it didn't before? Was there different levels? She walks up to it.
"Whats going on indeed. It looks like a normal wall to me. Perhaps be a little careful in the next room? Whatever is suppressing ki in there must be powerful. You have to ACT as if your reckless, not be reckless. I hope that makes sense. Lets take look..."
She opens the door slowly to try and peer through to see what is going on.