Quote Originally Posted by Vinyadan View Post
That funny feeling when you try to kill a flame atronach with your spells, and realise they have reflect...
My first character that I really got invested in was an Altmer mage with the birthsign that gave you extra magic damage but doubled your weakness to magic. So I could deal an insane amount of magic damage, but if anything hit me with a spell I was toast.

That reflect ability was so infuriating that I outright modded it out. If they'd made it so that the spell rebounded and I had to dodge a fireball with a 50 foot radius that would be one thing. If it was a spell they cast with a graphic to warn you they had a shield up it would be fair. But no, the reflect ability was a passive that just instantly transmitted the damage. That meant that if I fired my fancy custom spell at one of the enemies with reflect I just had a 50% chance of instant death. Even if I wasn't shooting at them and they just happened to be around a corner and got caught in the blast radius.

It really wasn't very fun.