Quote Originally Posted by The_Weirdo View Post
Nope, I argued she can do anything she wants to her family and/or in order to see her inalienable rights restored.

She's actually quite merciful in that she didn't force her family to find a powerful Wizard and pay for a Wish spell to the effect of undoing what was done to her.

And, quite frankly, when it comes to defending forced marriage to the tune of "she-must-have-done-something-what-it-is-I-do-not-know-but-will-be-glad-to-speculate", to paraphrase, if I recall correctly, Kish, one person is enough for me to want Hilgya to finish the arc or webcomic riding off into the sunset, a smile on her face, not a care in the world.
She wanted to murder her family! Her default way to free herself is to BURN THEM ALL, that’s not good. The only reason she didn’t do it is that it would be bad on Kudzu’s lungs. Generally revenge isn’t considered to be on the good side of the alignment chart, I find what she actually did Chaotic Neutral but her intentions and everything else she does says Chaotic Evil.