Wic is silent at Slang's words. He seems surprised by them, but can't find any room to argue with the good captain, or with Wind. After a second he turns back to the map, and nods to Tuoni,

"I can support you. If you're able to hold them back, I can concentrate on a swift, powerful offense. My style's suited to that, especially if I'm not concerned about restraining my anima. Anyone trying to circumvent your holding point will burn, beyond the point that water can save them."

The water won't be helpful, granted, but he can account for that. Wirric frowns, eyes sill fixed on the map. "We've one last decision to make. How many do we want to let escape?" He points to the other side of the river, where their enemies would likely be coming from. "With my Stormwind's help, we don't have to feel restrained by geography. If we position some of our number on the far bank, concealed before the Expeditionary force begins to cross, we can catch them in a vice-grip. Bloodshed is not ideal, but we want them scared, we want them to panic and run back to Harborhead with news that this was a trap. A.. larger death toll helps ensure that. And it places us in a strong position if the force turns out to be better supported than I suspect."

But it's ruthless, underhanded and shows a complete disregard for the value of life. Wic is about to expound on such, but glances to Slang, remembering what they'd only just said to him. With a deep breath the sorcerer gives his appraisal, as calmly as he can. "If the idea is to convince them that the tales of the valley were a trap to draw out and eliminate as many of the local forces as possible, we should be fighting ruthlessly like that. We should make it look like witnesses leaving was a mistake rather than our goal. But that will leave a toll in blood, and might not be necessary. I can't say if the merit outweighs the moral cost."