Quote Originally Posted by spH3RiCal View Post

I am building a phantom human archer encounter for some time now and I am a bit confused.

A phantom can add its STR bonus to attack/damage rolls, so it cam handle a composite longbow and deliver the extra damage. But what happens with any other use of the bonus like skill checks (climb, jump etsc) as by SRD an incorporeal creature has no STR

Also an incorporeal creature has a 50% chance to avoid damage form spells (with the force/energy exceptions). Does that mean that any other spell works normally on it (charms, buffs etc)?

Finally by SRD "An incorporeal creature’s attacks pass through (ignore) natural armor, armor, and shields". Does it apply for the phantom?

It still can use its STR for skills.

Yes, it's my understanding that the Miss Chance only applies to Attack Rolls, so examples like Charm still function normally.

Yes? Not actually sure on that one.