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Thread: Apex IC

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    Titan in the Playground
    MikelaC1's Avatar

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    Nov 2009

    Default Re: Apex IC

    No offense taken, good sirs, you are right to question anyone who might make such an outlandish claim. Keep up the good work
    As Katarina allows herself to lead to the inn, she smiles and waves to the people, shes always wanted to be known as an "Apex of the People", not wanting to be put on a pedestal and revered/feared as the other ones are.
    She smiles to the innkeeper as well, ordering a tankard of ale before heading back to join the Fellowship.
    I am glad to meet you all, and look forward to working with you. Just to get a few things out of the way about the deal we have, I am not here to take half the haul, only 2/7ths of it, and my claim to the Records comes only from having first pick on the magic, meaning you will all have two picks before my second, and seeing as hes a lich, I imagine he and his minions will have more than a few trinkets on them As she talks, she makes eye contact with every member of the Fellowship, but most of her looks are at the cleric.Its not a look of challenge at all, just one of trying to get to know him. Katarina doesnt have issue with the priests of Selune, except when they try to force her into their more structured forms of worship...and as a ranking member of the clergy, Severin probably knows that to the case. Now that the details are out of the way, tell me what you have, where you think the lair is, and what the best way is to get there. Although Quinn has answered some of these questions before, she is interested to see how the group answers them, maybe there are a few things he didnt mention and even if there arent, who answers and how they answer will tell her a lot about the group's dynamics and power structure. She takes a long drink from her tankard as she waits.
    Last edited by MikelaC1; 2019-07-29 at 08:46 PM.