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    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Tron Spacetime

    Default Re: Grrl Power IV: Constantly Expanded Universe

    Quote Originally Posted by Keltest View Post
    To say nothing of the fact that reaching space basically requires tool use, which requires hands or an equivalent. A humanoid shape is well suited for reaching space, as opposed to, say, a sapient ball of slime.
    Nothing about tool use implies hands. Magpies and Octopi demonstrate tool usage (without any hands).

    Especially in setting with magic. Hell, you could have a psionic ball of slime that manipulates everything telekinetically. Nothing about humanoid shape is good about reaching space, if it was, we wouldn't need to have giant metal containers to go into space. Hell, I give space-faring slime better space survivability than humans.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kantaki View Post
    Is that a serious question?
    I mean, a large part of humanity having Neanderthal DNA (among others) should be proof of that.

    And don't give be „But Neanderthals were human too”.
    They weren't homo sapiens sapiens is my point.
    It still shows that we as a species are perfectly willing to seek partners outside the same.

    Plus, you know, the fact that the whole idea of non-human spouses is as old as the ability to tell stories should prove that humans ain't picky just as much.
    I didn't meant sluttier than a dingo, I meant sluttier than a succubus.

    In a setting with literal semen demons tantric demons (i.e. creatures that literally feed on sex), you telling me humans are the absolute most spread out form? When did they start kidnapping humans? Thousand of years ago? Eons ago? Did aliens kidnap primitive cavemen? Did kidnapped humans all had sexual drives of several Zeuses Deuses? I mean they spread so far, that the xenophobic magitek Alari are human-shaped. And if I recall correctly, Alari are an ancient civilization.
    Last edited by -D-; 2019-07-30 at 02:03 PM.