Quote Originally Posted by Forikroder View Post
they dont need to fix it immediately, finish off the vampires fix the domination and get the vote over with so that the gods dont destroy the world and they have time to fix it properly

forcing the tie to remain perpetually raises the risk of either A) the high priests stuck in the godsmoot dieing of boring vetoing there gods vote or B) the gods getting tired of waiting and just ending the world
1) If Dvalin doesn't vote at all, it stays where it is now, a tie. Not sure what the moot's rules say then, since the rule was to bring in the lesser deities if there was a tie among the greater. But I'm guessing that neither a stalemate nor a re-vote would end in Hel's favor.

2) Hel's plan hinged on its speed - i.e. ending the world before the dwarves could realize they were doomed. Remove that surprise from the equation and now they have time to plan out honorable deaths for themselves - say, by storming the location of the final Gate (conveniently located near their homeland) en masse. If they win, the world is saved, if they lose, their souls are saved from Hel, meaning they still win. It might not be enough to save all of them, but probably would save enough of them that Hel wouldn't be able to wrest control of the worldbuilding from Odin.