Quote Originally Posted by brian 333 View Post
I want to take a moment to gloat and say, "I called it!"

When I said Durkon would win by knowing the rules better than the vampires the critics declared that pulling out some obscure, unforshadowed rule would be anticlimatic and dumb.

So, nuh-unh! Thbbbbt!

Of course, this was my one thousandth prediction, and until this one I had a perfect record; 100% wrong, so it was a good bet.
Nice one!

Quote Originally Posted by brian 333 View Post
As for the table:

Durkon attacked the roof instead of the table for one reason. Stonecunning.

Dwarves don't get a racial feat which gives them an advantage vs. wood but they do gain such a bonus vs. stone and stonework.
Given the Dwarvish hatred for trees (even the corpse of one), I'd say they'd get a bonus to attack and damage anyway!