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Thread: Home 24: A house in this market?

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Home 24: A house in this market?

    [King's Summer Cabin]

    The aspects' lust boils even hotter when Ilpholin disrobes... and there's really nothing that happens from here on out that doesn't need a thick curtain over it. Which will last for a day and a night, like the King said, and with passion and intensity to match its length.

    The curtain will rise on the dawn of the second day, with the aspects stepping away from her. They look longingly at her as they bow in silence. They've become paler, more grey and almost translucent now, taking on a dream-like quality along with the rest of the cabin. And now, they vanish. As they do, the cabin also changes. The fog or smoke disappear and the dimensions become what you'd expect of the place. The otherworldly paintings disappear from the walls and the weapons become regular, old axes and knives, rather than the varied instruments they were before. The light coming through the small windows is the normal shine of breaking dawn.

    Ilpholin will be exactly where she was when the curtain rose. The fur, skins and cushions are in the same arrangement as the long curtain left them in. Her dress is likewise where it fell hours before. It all feels like looking at a room you've previously seen in a dream, its proportions now natural and real. Outside, she can hear the crying of birds and the sounds of other animals going about their business. The place is still secluded, but it's normal seclusion now, not enforced by fey. Did someone come across this place and was turned away by the King? Was the cabin simply invisible and the sounds from it inaudible? It's difficult to say.

    Inside, Ilpholin will know that something monumental has happened. As the King's presence departs from the cabin, she'll feel that a part of it remains in her. In due time, she'll find that she's pregnant.
    Last edited by Morty; 2019-08-03 at 05:53 AM.
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