Quote Originally Posted by 2D8HP View Post
Oh jeez F N!

Sorry to learn that, I wish you a speedy recovery!

Ah, I had thought I just aged out of the currently nerdly, but now I may blame loss of INT for my drop in status.

Thanks (yes I'd rather be dumb than square still a hipster at heart,pipe down hipster was a good thing dagnabbit!)

Just as long as you're not a trolley pilot, I've heard tales of their murderous inclination towards fat men (or was that observers from bridges?)


The Cubicle 7 supplements are pretty good

Sounds more like a high saving throw rol!


Fighting-Men are better, as Magic-Users only have one spell per day until you reach second level, but with the low hit points that's not likely, besides once you get to stronghold building level "Lord" is a cooler sounding level title than 'Wizard".

Finest pun I've read in a long time!

Somehow I suspect it's raining where you are A W!

Ah yes, as I've advised you before it does get mostly better (in my incredibly humble, correct, and good looking opinion!) but you'll still remember from time to time as the first cut is the deepest one.

And now the venting!:
We met when we were both still teenagers, and I fell for her hard (as only teenagers and twenty-somethings can), we dated a bit, and in time she lost interest in me romantically (as most women do their men, but luckily for us men older women will sometimes resign themselves to staying with us anyway) and I never fell as hard for another girl or women again, iincluding my beautiful wife who I met when I was 23 and have been with since I was 24, though I saw my ex-girlfriend/crush a few times afterwards, once when I was on a motorcycle that I was proud of and I saw her and said hello, once some years latet on an actual dinner for the two of us at a fancy restaurant (which we never did when we were actually boyfriend and girlfriend, mostly we just rode on my motorscooter) when she indulged my whim to try to LARP an adult “date” to chat and make uo for being too poor for such things when we were a couple, and the last time was at a bookstore that I was at with my future wife for a reading she wanted to attend, and I got in line to buy a book, the cashier said my name (twice!) until I realized that the cashier was my ex, who said to me: “I thought you were moving to Seattle”, and I replied: “I was there for months, but it was just too dark” (actually I went up there to help in the care for my wife's father until he died), and I haven’t spoken to her again for decades, and I assumed that she moved out of town like most of the friends I had in my youth, instead she went to graduate school has been teaching at a nearby university (the University!) and she’s had five books published (one of which I accidently found at the library which featured some tales of the "scene" in the '80's that I was a part of, the reading of which was a very melancholy experience for me), plus a lot of articles on-line (some at websites and publications that I’ve read sometimes making me feel like a dunce that I never noticed her by-line earlier!

And today I saw a 9 minutes and 52 seconds video on YouTube of her telling of how awful her old boyfriends were, and I saw she told of an abusive boyfriend she dated 30 years ago who recently contacted her and told her he was "proud of her" and that he thought "feminism has gone too far", so I'm sure I dated her 31 years ago, but I think we were still dating 30 years ago, but I didn't contact her again and while I could imagine telling her that I was proud of her, I can't imagine my saying anything foolish like that about feminism, so possibilities:

1) I'm a Jekyll and Hyde monster with a bad memory.

2) She left me and then soon got together with the abusive guy, or started dating him while I thought we were still together.

3) I was simply so unmemorable that she forgot about me and thought she started dating the abusive guy earlier than she did.

4) We just didn't date as long as I think we did.

Thinking of all these possibilities hurts (and #1 would mean that I am insane!).

I love me wife, I'm glad I'm with her, but in someways that doesn't matter, a surprise find of a pretty good book by someone I once knew, sometime later wondering "I wonder if she's written more?", a web search, a couple of clicks, and a very old wound re-opens.

It doesn't matter that I don't want her now, it matters that I wanted her once, and with a reminder, the hurt of loss somehow comes back (plus the ego hit of how unmemorable I likely am to her now!).

Yes it does get better A W, but decades later some pain is still there (and there's also the pain of realizing that my wife may have been better without me, but that's for another thread!).


I was speaking of Dungeons & Dragons, the "tier list" is for 3.5, don't confuse the two, that's like confusing The Return of the Jedi (stupid freakin' Vietcong Teddy bears!) with Star Wars.
Let's not drag tier discussions out of their forum. More ink has been spilled over that then over whether Michael Bay ruined Ninja Turtles.

I recently went through a breakup and I'm reasonably certain that some small part of me will always miss it despite all the problems we had. I don't think there is any shame in having nostalgic feelings, just means the love was real. That doesn't invalidate your current relationship in any way, just means you felt legitimate emotions.