Urgrim waved a hand at Sieghard's thanks. Helping hadn't been something he'd done out of choice, but necessity.

He tried to whistle at Sieghard's revelation, but his lips were dry and cracked, and an uncomfortable spluttering sound emerged instead. He opened his eyes and pushed himself back to his feet, to watch the halberdiers. "His monster. Was it - well, was it what we thought?"

Urgrim's nose wrinkled as the militia dragged something foetid towards the pair of them. "Grimnirs dongliz! That thing must have been dead for, well, months!" He broke into another spluttering cough and covered his face with his arm. Furtively, he looked around to see if any of the Dwimmulsons were nearby enough to have heard his obscenity. "I mean, ah ..."

Lowering his arm, he looked uncomfortably at Sieghard. "The others ...?"