

If Urgrim hadn't pulled him back Adelbert might have dropped to his knees were he stood. As it was he managed to gather enough of his wits to scoop up the gold and stumble towards the Temple.

Everything... gone. My home. My books. My tome of Verena. My research. my journal. Gone...

He barely heard Liebrecth speak at the Temple. What on earth did the cadaver matter when his books were gone? It was only when Raqiyah spoke that something cut through the fog.

'We eventually did find the house where Klammenberg and this were hiding. The necromancer was clad in enough talismans to drown a witch and though I am no expert I suspect they aided his charms concealment. They weren't expecting us, but it mattered little as the vampire was there.' He shuddered at the memory. 'I escaped through a window during the fight so you must ask Commander Sieghard for the final moments but I remember the monstrosity wielded very powerful magic that nearly flayed our souls from our bodies and seemed almost impervious to our own attacks. it also had a pack of mindless undead, zombies I believe they are called though happily our wizardesses fire burned them well enough. At the end I witnessed the vampire beast take the form of a jackal and escape. I believe we had wounded it, at great cost and we also injured Klammenberg before his flight but I have no doubt we'll hear from them again at some point.'