Sieghard & Ludo

The crowd outside the gates was much larger than the one that had gathered after Constanza's death. Sieghard thought he recognised some faces from the chaos of the night before.

"You've been saying that for a month!" yelled a man from the back of the crowd, his voice taut with anger. "If this man's to blame then where is he?"
"Where are we supposed to go?" shouted a woman in singed clothing, holding an infant close to her body. A swell of voices rose up in support. "What are we supposed to eat?"
"Where's the lady Sforza?" demanded another, practically screaming to be heard above the din of questions.
"Where's my son?"
"Where's the witch?"

As the tide of angry shouting washed up and over him, Sieghard found himself very glad to be on top of a tall stone wall.