As a represenation of Autism it's pretty good, even if it does represent the milder end of the spectrum. (I have two brothers on the autistic spectrum. One of them this flaw pretty much represents exactly - the bonus knowledge skills and stuff are an especially nice touch. The other one, if they were a D&D character, wouldn't even be able to speak Common).

However, it's not really comparable to the exist flaws (at least those in the SRD): most of those are purely negative in their effects. Remember that the point of taking flaws, other than for flavour, is that you get to a pick an extra feat at 1st level to make up for it, which is why flaws shouldn't confer benefits themselves. They are, in effect, negative feats: taking a flaw is like taking minus one feat. If anything, in purely crunch terms this is feels more like a template or a sub-race, especially with the bonuses/penalties to ability scores. As far as I know no flaw actually imposes penalties to ability scores themselves (although some impose penalties to ability score checks) and the only feats that allow you to permanently increase ability scores are class features of prestige classes and some epic feats.