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Thread: [Trait] Asperger's Syndrome

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    Default Re: [Flaw] Autism

    I don't need to try, buddy. jaykay.

    From what I understand of those suffering from more severe cases of autism, they really, really don't like change. A steady, predictable, stable environment is a premium they strive for. As adventuring involves going places, meeting people, and a great deal of unpredictability, I think that autism, as a flaw, would need more 'flaws', esp. with that +4 to int, and all that knowledge skill goodies (that's like 2 or 3 feats!).

    Reading the wikipedia entry on autism,, I'm suddenly struck by the number of PC adventurers that exhibit practically all those characteristics.

    Oh, right, and what you have here is more of a 'template' than a flaw.
    Last edited by Tor the Fallen; 2007-04-16 at 06:35 AM.