This is great!

Here's mine, if you have free time and haven't got anything too similar.

Name: Aelenia Galanodel (which means Moonwhisper)
Race: Wood Elf
Class: Ranger (Revised/deepstalker)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Background: Emissary Far Traveller

High dex/wis/con low cha/str
I have different assumptions from those around me concerning personal space, blithely invading others' space in innocence.

I'm far from home, and everything is strange and wonderful!

I hold no greater cause than my service to my people.

I am secretly (or not so secretly) convinced of the superiority of my own culture over that of this foreign land.

She's a weird mix of outgoing, doesn't-understand-concept-of-personal-space, happy elf girl with a no-nonsense, get your work done, and take down enemies of the state as needed warrior (as deepstalkers tend to stick to shadows and are really good at alpha strikes).

Anyhow, feel free to shift things around if a better idea comes to you - she doesn't really exist yet. For now, she's a backup character if my current one dies.
