As the answers went up on the board, Adrien began to feel more and more like he didn't quite belong in Psi Studies.

Clairvoyance? Nope.

Telekinesis? Uh, technically, but only indirectly.

Telepathy? Not conventionally.

Though, of course, the question then became 'where would he go instead?' Intro to Magic and Advanced Phys Ed didn't really fit. Maybe he could sign on to the classes that dealt with summoners (goodness knows his 'troupe' could do with training!) or energy controllers. That might be more relevant than trying to use his powers like a conventional psychic.

Oh, right, there was a question. He paused for a moment and raised his hand, because if there was one thing he could proudly call himself it was 'creative.' (Well, either that or 'optimistic.') "Uh, element control?" he offered, when the teacher turned to him. "Like, creating fire, or images through light, or sound, or...I don't know the proper name for it, sorry." He trailed off a bit with an embarrassed shrug.

Performing in front of a crowd of hundreds? No problem.

Answering a question in front of half a dozen students? That was - and always had been - a little further out of his comfort zone.