Quote Originally Posted by Cheesegear View Post
Don't know where to put it. Not enough to start a new Thread over, and anyone who cares will post and then we're done...

Blood Bowl Tournament (n=12) on the weekend. A much better turnout than last time, 'cause last time actually went well so people knew that a BB tournament wont be a ****show and maybe it's worth coming to? Took my Dark Elves again, they've never let me down:
Linemen (x6)
Blitzers (x4)
Re-rolls (x2)

Round 1 vs. Humans.
Lucky Ogre messed me up real bad, and the dude wasn't afraid of Fouling which pissed me off a lot and gave me an awful second half.
Draw 1-1

Round 2 vs. Ogres.
Elves vs. Ogres goes exactly as you expect. Snotlings have AV5 and for no reason at all I couldn't seem to Break anything. Still, Dodge around the big ones and triple die block vs. the small ones.
Win 3-0

Round 3 vs. Skaven
Kick off! Blitz! First bash of the game before Turn 1 has even started results in an Injured Gutter Runner. Still a very close game that came down to the wire.
Win 2-1

Going 2-1-0 had me freaked out. I thought I was going to lose on SPPs to the Skaven player. But then I remembered that I have a Draw, and not a Loss, and I also scored 3 TD SPPs in Game 2 and that's what won me the tournament for the second time in a row.
Is fouling not normal in your meta? Humans, Norse, most of the various Undead, Nurgle, pretty much any team with 40-50k linemen I find, LOVES to foul and it's just an expectation.

Hell, it's like 80% of the reasons 'zons are a good team is that they're annoying with all that Blodge, and they can cause lots of removals with fouls.