Marcus blinks at the girl's dismay. "Luv, you need to calm down," he says, holding the door open for her to go through first. "It's probably easier to work your magic when you're not five seconds from a heart attack."

He shuffles into the room nervously, and continues talking to Sheree. "Tho, to be fair, my magic works on my emotions, so even stress can be useful if channeled properly. Kinda a metaphor for real life, I guess, if you wanna think of it like that, and after using too much of my magic I just feel drained and it can be real cathartic and--"

~"Boss! No girl thinks rambling is attractive,"~ Barty chimes in, sounding half-amused and half-exasperated.

Marcus reins himself in with a sheepish grin/grimace. "Ah, sorry 'bout that. I'm a bit nervous, myself. If you don't mind my asking, though, why wouldn't you have been able to use magic on the door? Does it take a lot of effort for you to gather your magic?"

By the time the teacher comes in, Marcus' nerves are a little better. Of course, they go right back to fried when he sees just who their teacher actually is. He has to work to physically stop himself from rolling his eyes at the man's antics.

When the man's hand lands in his direction, Marcus freezes for a brief moment. "I'll bet he did that on purpose," he grumbles to himself as he gets up.

"Well, ah," he begins nervously. "My magic's real simple, but finicky. It really hates technology, and I dunno if this classroom has the cool wards to prevent tech from getting fried by it. I mean, it'd make sense for them to be here, but fair warning. Anyway, all I have to do is focus a bit of my will, preferably channel it through a focus like this staff, and..."

Gesturing at the Merlin, Marcus intones, "Ventas Servitas." A thin, powerful stream of wind whips up from the tip of his staff and barrels toward the arrogant man. Just as it gets close to Merlin, the wind drops down to the pile of ash from the substitute teacher's previous flash-fire. The wind whisks the ash through the air around Merlin's head, close enough to annoy, then deposits the ash neatly into the rubbish bin.

Marcus waits a moment before adding in an overdone tone, "Ta-da."

Ventas Servitas is a Precise Move Object, which should be okay for cleaning up dirt without mussing up anything else.