I too have aspergers syndrome. I think that one of the downsides for this flaw is that the character has to take medication in order to function properly. failure to take this medication results in a will penalty. I base that on the fact that I do stupid things unmedicated. medicated or not, aspergers sufferers are chaotic, while autism sufferers tend to be lawful or True neutral (its hard to judge someones alignment when they don't speak or are even in touch with the world).

if you need a medication for this flaw, call it scriblin. it negates the will penalty assossiated with unmedicated people with the [Autism] family of disorders. selling the medication is a chaotic and evil act. the medication must be prescribed by a telepath with 10 ranks in Profession (psychologist) or Knowledge (mental disorders).

I would love to see someone create an association which membership is limited to those with flaws from the [autism] family of flaws.