Quote Originally Posted by otakuryoga View Post
its absolutely a ramp up from dalaran heist

you can actually lose to the first two bosses
I lose to the first two bosses all the time in heroic Dalaran Heist. It all depends on who you get. People like Marei Loom and Alchemist Wendy are generally easy enough - although I have lost to Wendy by her stealing all my best cards and giving me trash in return.

If you get Linzi Redgrin though...hold on to your hat. When she isn't just exploding onto the board and killing you before you can react, she's making use of her hero power to control you out of the game. Linzi has taken me to fatigue more than once. Moon Priestess Nici likes to Auchenei + Flash Heal your face for 10 damage. Chomper is another that can just wreck you by killing everything with his hero power and flooding the board.