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Thread: Hearthstone 23: The Evil League of EVIL

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Hearthstone 23: The Evil League of EVIL

    Just played against a big priest with blatant decoy. Pretty bizarre, but not the worst tech choice I've seen. Fortunately he 'only' got my Mecha'thun, so I managed to pull out a win. Somehow, despite having 12 treants dumped into his rez pool, he only resurrected 2 the whole game, which went to fatigue on both sides

    Edit so no double post:

    Apparently they're temporarily bringing some wild cards back into Standard. 23 cards, only 2 revealed so far are N'zoth and Ragnaros. They're also going to give everyone free copies of all the cards, which can't be disenchanted. It is not yet clear whether we'll get to keep the cards, or if They'll go away after the event ends. Disappointing
    Last edited by Stevesciguy; 2019-09-26 at 01:46 PM.

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