The CPR comment was to illustrate a point.

You have some skill or ability that could, potentially, save a life.

If you find yourself in an emergency situation where you can apply that skill or ability to save a life, it should not be illegal to do so any more than preforming CPR on someone should be a crime.

Let me give another example: let's say my Quirk is that I can create small, bubble-shaped forcefields around objects in my line of sight. They completely absorb and negate the energy of any blow but break after that one blow.

I'm walking, maybe on my way to school at the university I attend, and I find a strange device, with a count down timer... Looks like a bomb.

Timer says it's gonna go off soon, so as a precaution I put one of my forcefields around it before I call the bomb squad/police/whoever in case they can't get here in time and I don't take it down until they're in position to work.

I am not a liscened hero. I am not police. I am not bomb squad.

Should it be illegal for me to have done that?

Because by my understanding, in MHA Japan it is. Whether or not the heroes enforce it is a different question, but it being against the law in the first place is something I consider to be inherently immoral.

On flying: You aren't born with a car.

Assuming there is no physical defect in the wings a man is born with, the only reason they would need special training and a license to fly is if they have literally never used their wings their entire life and thus need to be taught to fly the same way someone who spent most of their life tired toa bed needs to be taught how to walk.

As iit is natural, and not a skill that a typical bewinged person would need to learn, there should be no reason to restrict their flight unless they're like, deliberately flying into crows off people or are disrupting street or air traffic. And that should be enforced on a case by case basis, not the justification for blanket restriction.