Quote Originally Posted by Rater202 View Post
I was just saying, I understand where the Meta Liberation people are coming from.

If my legs are a motorcycle and that's literally the only way I can walk, I'd be pissed off if I needed a motorcycle license on the grounds that there would be no legal way I could get one until I was a certain age and limited legal ways to actually get one.

I'd be breaking the law every time I walked somewhere, even if I was cruising along at walking speed. Or rolling at turtle speed just in case. Might even be forbidden to us side-walks.
If it was literally the only way you were able to move, an exception would have to be made, for the exact reasons you've outlined. You'd still likely be restricted to walking speeds, but saying "you can't walk around" would be abject ridiculous.

Quote Originally Posted by Rater202 View Post
we've got a giel who basically went insane and developed a blood fetish from being forced to repress her blood-drinking quirk. I doubt she's the only person to develop issues because of being made to not use their quirk.
I'd argue that that was more on Toga's parents more than society in general. They do things like allowing Aoyama to walk around with support gear in day-to-day life since he was little more than a toddler. If the Togas straight up said "Uh, our daughter has a quirk where she drinks blood and she gets a little antsy if she goes without for too long, can you see what you can do?" The folks in charge would come up with something.