Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread)

"Removal of this disease by Healomancy is being prevented by Carnymancy. I'd expect, stat debuff removal will also be prevented (as that is the obvious second thing an infected victim would try)"
Erfman begins.

”You are correct the stat debuff is a part of the infection and trying to remove the debuff with healomancy would likely bring about the same result” Hippo replies.

"Nevertheless, I'm much weaker than I was when I came in. That has affected how long I have to find a cure. I understand that carnymancy is being used to hamper your efforts, however you did guarantee removal of any disease. While you don't currently have a contact with a carny or a weirdamancer, I'm sure at some point you have healed one? One that might not mind being on contract with your group from now on?Since you now know you might have need of it in the future?" Erfman questions.

As soon as Erfman mentions the guaranteed removal of any disease finally cementing the service that he requires within his head he suddenly feels the four rands disappear from his purse.

”As I said weirdomancers are rare and free Carnymancers are rarely willing to pay for healing. I believe we may have healed one or two sided Carnymancers before but they are more difficult to make contact with and less likely to sell their services.” Hippo replied.

"I'm sure me walking out of here looking worse than when I entered will not be good for the House of Healing's business. I would prefer to have this issue solved or at least ameliorated before I leave. Nonetheless, I'm explicitly not hiring the 'stat debuff removal' service. Is there anything you wish to attempt of your own volition before I leave to search for a Weirdomancer?" Erfman finishes with a laboured breath

The Healomancers all fall silent as the implied threat leaves Erfman’s lips and Hippo throws a stern look in Erfman’s direction. ”I will presume that is the delirium due to you sickness speaking and you did not just make a threat against the house of healing!” Hippo replies in a firm tone. ”I will remind you we are a guilded organisation and attempting to unfairly tarnish our reputation will result in you being barred from services in the Magic Kingdom” he adds with a disapproving look.

”Now all options have yet to be explored and as per the terms of our agreement no time frame for the removal of the disease was stated...” Hippo declares before picking up a piece of paper and a quill and writing something out. ”Here take this, This is a letter of credit with the house of healing. You may offer it to whichever Carnymancer or weirdomancer that you find in exchange for their services.” Hippo offers.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread)

”Hippo no threat was intended. I wasn't planning on saying anything. But if we walk out of here obviously still sick and looking worse than we entered It doesn't look good for the house of healing despite your best efforts.” Erfman responds.

”I see...” Hippo replies. ”Well let us consider it a misunderstanding and forget about it...” Hippo adds.

”Also Hippo while you couldn’t remove the mummy rot can you tell us what the end result of the spell is and who the pale caster is?” Erfman questions.

”The end result of the mummy rot you mean? Well as far as I’m aware mummy rot will continue to degrade your stats and your body until you eventually croak” Hippo replies.

"Well then... It seems I'll have to find a Weirdomancer first. Thank you for your efforts." He says turning painfully to his friends, "It seems we're done here, let's go back" Erfman declares.

”Wait!” the pale skinned Healomancer who suggested croaking Erfman calls out. ”If your willing I’d like to try something...” he declares.

As Erfman allows him to, the pale skinned caster begins to cast and suddenly Erfman is in pain once again, at the same time Cadaver gasps in surprise. This time the pain is different and it feels as though Erfman’s skin, muscles and even his bones are being pulled tight. When the process is over Erfman finds he can actually move much more easily.

King Erfman, Level 4 Dollamancer (Adept) Shockamancer (Novice)
3 (4) / 3 / 9 / 9 / 400J / 36/50xp / 150s - upkeep paid for turn 16
Special: Caster - Dollamancy, Noble, Infected (5), Rewrapped
Erfman currently looks rather pale and has greenish tint to his skin. He also looks skinnier than he did before.

”Croakamancy is a bit of a hobby of mine...” the pale skinned caster then declares with a slight shrug.

"Would you introduce me?" asks Erfman to Hippo glancing at the pale caster

”Oh Silas you mean?” Hippo answers. ”He’s a new recruit to the House of Healing, his side fell not too many turns ago. His methods tend to be somewhat unorthodox but so far have proved quite effective “ Hippo answers.

Turning to Dotti Erfman asks
”Is there anything you could do to my signamancy to make it look like the mummy rot was removed? This will help protect the house of healing (and confuse the dark one!)"

”A simple cosmetic spell should be enough to make you look like your old self to most. I could place one on you for just 25 juice” Dotti answers. ”If you wanted something harder to see through I could do that too but a disguise spell would cost at least twice the juice” Dotti adds.

"I think the 25 juice version will be fine." replies Erfman

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread)

Dotti nods her head and then with a look of concentration begins to cast. When she is done Erfman is back to looking as he usually does.

”The cosmetic spell is only temporary so it will only last for the rest of the turn” she explains once she is done.

(Dotti 95/200 juice)

Heading out side the House of Healing Erfman then calls out. "Ha! Take that Dark One! Onwards to our next order of business!" he states loudly.

Erfman then begins to head back towards portal park. "It seems the burden of my health is now on your hands dear Dotti, in finding the scattered Weirdomancers that should exist. How can we increase your chances? Is there Juice you may invest in some way? (In putting up a signamantically enhanced eye catching sign perhaps?)" Erfman questions.

”I could of course place an advertisement on the message board but it could take several turns to get a response from a weirdomancer unless we are lucky and their just so happens to be a weirdomancer that is currently looking for work.”Dotti replies. ”Of course there are other ways to find the exact type of caster you’re looking for much more quickly if you are willing to pay for it...” she suggest. ”One of my contacts just so happens to be a findamancer...” she reveals.

Almost as an afterthought Erfman then asks. "AC, Cadaver, do you happen to know a Weirdomancer we can call on?"

Both casters frown and shake their heads. ”Fraid not” AC replies. ”Sorry Sire I was not exactly popular in the magic kingdom” Cadaver responds.

Pondering Erfman then says to Dotty "Hm, I wouldn't like to leave any stone unturned. Dotty, would you procure a Carnymancer? I'd offer him or her 2 farm rations just to discuss details of carnymancy (with its secrets protected by NDA), with the possibility of more for hired services, does that seem reasonable and appealing in your view Dotti?
Oh! And what about a Carnymancer friend? Do you happen to have one AC, Cadaver?"

”I have a carnymancer contact who I’m on somewhat friendly terms with. I could take you to her now if you don’t mind going to the carny vale...” Dotti then replies.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread)

Dotti then takes the lead with Cadaver following closely behind while AC stacks up with Erfman and the pair follow from a distance. Dotti leads the group through a part of the Magic Kingdom that Erfman had never been to before and eventually they reach a field filled with small tents and four wheeled caravans.

”Here we are!” Dotti declares leading the group up to one of the caravans before gently knocking on the wooden door. A few moments later the door swings open revealing a blonde haired caster wearing high heels, fishnet tights, a short skirt and a sparkly top.

”Dotti dear what brings you to my humble abode with so many strapping young men” the caster declares with a bright smile and a mischievous gaze that seems to dance across the group.

”Trixy it’s good to see you again, this here is Erfman he’d like to have a little talk about your trade if you have the time...” Dotti replies.

”Anything for a friend of Dotti’s...” Trixy replies with another bright smile. ”Come in sugar...” She then declares as she pushes the door open revealing a small table inside with a few chairs around it.

"Nice to meet you Caster Trixie." gently holding her hand.

"We've run afoul of a little bit of Carnymancy and thus we're here to learn more about your craft. For a frank and instructive discussion I'm happy to offer 2 farm rations and a pinky swear not to share, or even go as far as have Dotti here whip up a NDA for us all to sign. (now that I consider it, an NDA to protect both your and our secrets would be really better, so we can share our story completely)"

"Does that sound appealing? I would not want to impose unduly on a friend of a friend"
gesturing and smiling in Dotti's direction

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread)

”Trixy or just Trix is fine” Trixy replies as Erfman takes her hand.

”A handsome man wants to buy me dinner and all he wants in return is the pleasure of my conversation... How could I say no?” Trixy replies while Dotti slightly rolls her eyes at the antics.

”Come inside handsome and make yourself comfortable...” Trixy then declares beckoning Erfman inside.

Dotti meanwhile pulls out her quill and awaits confirmation that she should write up an NDA.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread)

Erfman nods to Dotty, "Both for Trix's protection, so she can't be coerced to reveal Fanon secrets, and thus can be invited into Fanon and hired in the future, and us all so we can't reveal her secrets to others" Erfman elaborates.

Dotti nods and quickly sets to work writing up a new non disclosure contract. Trixy meanwhile ***** an eyebrow and shoots Erfman a curious look. ”Fanon?” she questions. ”Don’t tell me there’s a problem old Lou can’t fix?” she questions.

Finishing the perfectly written contract Dotti then carefully places it on the table inside of Trixy’s caravan.

Dotti 70/200 juice

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread)

Erfman signs, pauses waiting for Trix to sign. Trixy then reaches over and slides the contract towards her. She briefly reads the contract over before slightly smirking and signing with a flourish.

"Well well well lady, you're already being a boon to us! Long story short Fanon fell.." Erfman declares bluntly before leaving a pregnant pause.

"I was popped in the very moment of its fall and survived it to refound Fanon only recently, having no knowledge of Old Fanon." Erfman continues. "Please, would you tell us what you know of old Fanon and old Lou"? Erfman asks.

”Don’t get your hopes up too high sugar...” Trixy begins. ”I’m only guessing that this Fanon of yours is the same one as the one I’ve heard of” Trixy explains. ”To answer your first question I didn’t know much at all about Old Fanon I’m afraid other than what I’d heard old Lou say about it” She continues. ”Now Lou or Lord Pole as he would often demand to be called (he was a bit of a stuck up jerk about it really, so proud about being popped a noble he was) was a sided caster but he spent a lot of time in the Magic Kingdom and he looked out for us Barbarian carnies. Made sure we could always make upkeep and stuff like that, he would always moan about what a burden we all were and how we should be able to take care of ourselves but he would always come back to help.” Trixy reveals.

”Now I can’t say him and me were ever that close but I did pick up a few snippets of information about him if you’re interested?” Trixy asks ”I know for example he thought he should have been his side’s Chief caster and he was always moaning about a Chief Dozer I think his name was? I also know he liked to experiment with other classes of magic. He was always looking for other casters who would be willing to combine their arts with his carnymancy. You can guess how that often turned out though” Trixy recounts.

”Listen to me prattle on about all this unimportant stuff...” Trixy then declares. ”Was there something specific you wanted to know about Lou?” She then asks.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread)

"Only everything..." Erfman smiles "Worry not about boring us, everything you said and speculated is precious to us."

Trixy chuckles ”well as much as I like the sound of my own voice I couldn’t possibly recount every last recollection I have of the man” Trixy replies. ”I can remember a few stories he told me, I’m not sure if they’re true or not though... the man liked to boast!” Trixy continues. ”I particularly liked the one about how he foiled an assassination attempt on his king by drinking the poison that was intended for him” Trixy reveals.

"This Lou, he was supposedly a Carnymancer? Then supposedly there was a Dozer (a Dirtamancer's name by Signamancy?)" he says wonderingly glancing at Dotti inquiringly.

”There’s no supposedly about it, he mast certainly was a carnymancer.” Trixy replies.

Dotti then nods ”Dozer would Indeed be a fitting name for a dirtamancer” Dotti agrees.

"Do you remember any other mentioned casters? And if they might have survived in the MK? (supposedly there was a Thinkamancer, Lady Shipping, who was captured)"Erfman then questions.

”Shipping huh? Name doesn’t ring a bell but I do remember that Fanon popped a Thinkamancer though. Boy was Lou excited about that one! He had all these crazy ideas about what he could achieve in a link up but obviously no barbarian thinkamancer would ever even consider linking with a carnymancer” Trixy replies. ”Can’t say I’ve heard of any of them being in the Magic Kingdom recently but then again I haven’t exactly been on the lookout for them...” Trixy adds.

”Also trixy what can you tell us about carnymancy. I understand that your art is about breaking or bending the rules of erf. Would it be within you power to to bypass or break another carnymancers work?” Erfman questions.

”Well there’s a lot more to carnymancy than that but yes being able to bend the rules a little is a large part of carnymancy...” Trixy replies.

Trixy then let’s off a slight whistle. ”Break another carnies work? I couldn’t rightly say... it would come down to who was the more powerful carnymancer...” Trixy answers. ”Bypass it though? Now that’s entirely different matter. A smart Carnymancer could bypass anything... Even another carnies work. You just need to work out what the correct rule to bend is. So what’s the challenge? What do you need bypassing?” Trixy then questions. ”Oh guess I should ask whose work I’ll be bypassing... if they’re a friend I might not be able to do it for moral reasons...” Trixy then declares.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread)

"Very well, do you know Dark One? Of Dark Side? Is he a friend of yours?" Erfman asks.

”Oh he’s a sided carny huh... well in that case we should probably be good.” Trixy replies.

"Basically there is this disease, supposedly called Mummy Rot, that causes an infected unit to at turn start to have their stats decay as if they were uncroaked. This Dark One apparently created a carnyed version of it that whenever Healomancy is cast on it, instead of being healed, the stats are reduced as if at turn start. You see our dilemma?" Erfman explains.

”Hmmm interesting... “ Trixy replies slowly, ”Is it only when healomancy is cast or is it when any spell is cast?” Trixy asks.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread)

"Apparently only Healomancy, we've had Signamancy cast on us fine, and also.. Croakamancy cast on us, and it worked! (a spell to rewrap an uncroaked and restore an uncroaked's decayed stats to max)" Erfman replies.

”Hah! Then the solution is a simple one.” Trixy declares with a wide smile. ”So it sounds to me that the rule that has been bent is that mummy rot can be cured by healomancy...” Trixy explains. ”Now There’s nothing I can do about that without trying to overpower the other carny’s spell with brute force. What I can do however is bend another rule say the rule that states a certain spell IS healomancy. Theoretically with the spell not counting as healomancy it should then work...” Trixy finishes.

”So wanna take a gamble?” Trixy then asks. ”How much is this gig paying anyway?” She then quickly adds.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread)

Erfman surprisingly taken aback, slightly smiling ".. That sounds eminently possible. I guess we'd need first to ask what's the Healomancy spell's name is? And would you need to cast on me, or the Healomancer?" Erfman questions.

”I’d need to cast on the spell itself, so I would have to cast in tandem while the Healomancer casts their spell...” Trixy answers. ”I could cast on the Healomancer themselves to make anytime they cast the spell it not count as healomancy but it would actually be more difficult...” Trixy adds.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread)

"About payment.." Erfman scratches his head, "you tell me?" he says with a slight bewildered smile. "How about a recurring invitation to have breakfast in Fanon with me and other Friends of Fanon?" Erfman suggests.

”Well as lovely as that sounds it doesn’t really help me build my nest egg...” Trixy replies. ”My preferred payment method is gems, shall we say 400 shmuckers worth?” Trixy then offers.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread)

♫"diamonds are a girl's best friends"♫ blurts out Erfman in a sudden bout of rhymeomantic inspiration.

"Yes I can see that.. but gems are a deal breaker, as they are being saved for a city upgrade. We can pay in fruits today, or Rands tomorrow. Which would you prefer?" Erfman then offers.

Trixy pouts slightly at the offer before responding. ”I could live with 4 rands...” she eventually replies. ”But if you’re paying tomorrow I’m casting tomorrow” she adds. ”Unless of course you’re also offering signamantic guarantee of payment” Trixy finishes glancing at Dotti.

”I could make a simple payment contract for 25 juice” Dotti whispers from Erfman’s side.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread)

"Thank you Dotti, but no need. We can live with this disease one more turn." he says with a nod
Turning to Trixie "Will you come over for breakfast tomorrow anyway? My treat. Dotti will be there. We can listen to the scout reports, and if you identify some place your Art would be useful I'll be happy to hear it and consider hiring even further services" he says with an affable smile

”Sure I’ll be there sugar, Dotti can pick me up on the way there” Trixy replies flashing a smile.

The group then say their goodbyes and make their way back to portal park.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread)

"I must say I was surprised by Trixie's ask of 400s. For a single spell attempt? Guaranteed upkeep does indeed help build a nest egg.. by not spending it." Erfman blurts, his aggravation slipping through "Do you think she was just testing how rich we were? Or desperate?" Erfman then asks.

”What you need to understand about Trixy is as friendly as she may seem she does not trust others very easily. She would rather have something physical in her hand now than a promise of something that as far as she is concerned may never come.” Dotti explains. ”She is also fiercely independent and was likely resistant to any action that would tie her to a side in the long term no matter how loosely ...” Dotti reveals.

”Another thing you need to know is Carnymancers are natural hagglers. They are always trying to get the best price. By asking her to name her price you essentially left yourself open to such...” Dotti adds.

”I’m sorry your highness, If I had thought of it I could have briefed you on all of this beforehand so that you would have been better prepared to negotiate...” Dotti finishes.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread)

On their way back, other than once again getting the feeling of being watched the trip is uneventful and soon enough the group of casters are back in the portal room of Fanon. Heading straight up to the tower Erfman then has Cadaver charge the tower with 75 of his juice before having AC overcharge the tower with 175 of his own.

With the tower fully charged to it’s maximum possible level Erfman then heads to his workshop and has a Piker bring him a unit of wood and a goat hide from the store house and sword from the armoury. Drawing juice from the tower Erfman begins to cast first transforming the goat hide in to high quality leather before reforming it around the wood as it quickly takes the shape of a saddle. At this point the spell begins to slip and Erfman almost loses control but by injecting in some of his own juice he is able to keep control of the process. Finally Erfman repurposes the metal from the sword to form stirrups and his creation is complete.

(450 juice used. 1 unit of wood, 1 goat hide and 1 Stabber sword used)

Erfman’s multipurpose saddle: This expertly crafted saddle is designed to adjust to fit any beast unit of large enough size to act as a mount. When worn by a beast unit this saddle grants the mount special.

Tower: 0/200 J
Erfman: 220/400 J
Cadaver: 95/200 J
AC: 95/300 J
Dotti: 70/200 J

With the saddle made AC then sets up a number of small clay targets.

”Now the first thing you need to learn how to do is to convert your raw juice to elemental Shockamancy. Electricity is the easiest as it’s the closest to natural Shockamancy... now watch carefully as I cast” AC instructs as he creates a small amount of electricity in the palm of his hand letting it dance there for a moment before dissipating. ”Now the next step is firing it, to do that you simply need to expel it away from you with more juice” AC adds as he blasts one of the targets with a tiny bolt of Shockamancy instantly destroying it.

AC: 75/300 J

It is then Erfman’s turn to cast and while it takes him significantly longer he is able to eventually form a small amount of elemental Shockamancy.

Erfman’s first shot misses the target and dissipates against the wall, his second shot hits the target but barely causes it to wobble as static dances across its surface, Erfman’s third shot however is finally strong enough to split the target in two.

Erfman: 190/400 J

Erfman has learnt Jolt

Class: Shockamancy
Juice: 10
Range: short
Casting time: 1 rounds

A very basic single target spell. This spell deals 1 point of electrical damage. Attack roll of combat + caster level vs targets defense. This spell has the added effect that it will wake up sleeping units.
Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread)

Putting the Saddle on a Stinger, it can now transport 1 unit

Turning to Cadaver "Last turn, the Dark One only reacted to us converting his uncroaked after a while. I think if we attempt to capture 1 and only 1 uncroaked per turn we will likely surprise him. Are you willing to cast your spell again today and claim us an Uncroaked waven?" Erfman asks.

”I would be willing to try Sire, as long as you promise to have me healed should anything go wrong again...” Cadaver replies.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread)

"Definitely" nods Erfman seriously, "I pinky swear it"

Green planting by Pan, and red scouting by birds Plan:

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread)

Collecting a small sack and filling it with seeds Buster throws it over his shoulder before picking up a knitted messenger bird and placing it in his pocket. Mounting one of Fanon’s riding goat mounts Buster then rides out of the gates and heads off on a patrol.

Buster is gone for some time though he eventually returns with a sackful of fruit which he deposits in the larder before reporting to Erfman.

(23 seeds used, 12 fruit gained)

”It was mostly quiet your highness, I did spot a few holes in the hilly hexes but I didn’t investigate any further than that...” Buster reports. ”The bird golem managed to spot something in 06,04... I think it indicated there were 8 units but I don’t know what.” Buster continues.

Units spotted in (06,04)

Pan 0/10 move
Messenger bird A 17/20 move
Messenger bird B 0/20 move

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread)

Moving with Luggage and planting 2 more hexes plan:

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread)

"Dotti, while we go on our sortie would you do your tour of the MK looking for any that will take the following?
- 3 rations for 2 Rands (or 1 Rand for 3 Rand conversions)
- 3 rations for 100 Juice and 1 Rand (or 2 Rands for 100 Juice with 3 Rand conversions)"
Erfman asks before pausing and counting "We currently have 40 Fruits, and will use tomorrow... 37.." *sheepish look* "Which means you are looking for just 1 such caster" Erfman adds.

”I can ask around...” Dotti replies. ”Would you like me to take the fruit with me and perform the exchange immediately?” Dotti then asks. ”Also while I am looking is there any other services you might need from the Magic Kingdom this turn?” Dotti asks.

"Wait.. 18 fruits are actually going to pop here at dawn that we'll be able to use for upkeep." *mental order to have 21 desseesed fruits be brought in a sack*
"Here. You may have the casters that prefer the first offer to perform the conversions immediately. Those that prefer to sell their Juice, I think best to wait for my return, so we'll have them sign one of your NDA's (you may use tower Juice if needed) and a natural NAP, and have a unhurried discussion on the applications of their respective crafts"

"Hmm... wait, I'm not thinking correctly. A caster may produce 3 Rands from Rations, but they actually can eat 4 times paying upkeep. So we should actually offer 4 rations in return for 3 Rands, so the trade is '1 ration for 30 Juice'.
So, re-stating:
- 4 rations for 3 Rands (or 1 ration for 3 Rand conversions)
- 3 rations for 100 Juice and 1 Rand (or 2 Rands for 100 Juice with 3 Rand conversions)
There. That's correct now."

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread)

Dotti gingerly picks up the sack of fruit. ”I’ll see what I can do...” Dotti then promises before making her way down to the portal room and disappearing through the yellow portal.

After a quick search of the garrison Erfman is able to find the deactivated form of The Luggage and with the application of of decent amount of juice he is able to reactivate it.

Erfman 130/400 Juice

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread)

Luggage Plan
- First stop: Farm; Rebuild Farm with Stone first (and Wood second)
- second stop: 02.-04, Cadaver capture Waven

From 02.-04: Grim on Stinger, with Shockamancy Sword, with Waven in pocket (so Cadaver can Look, tell us what he sees, and we can mentally order Grim) -> into 02.-05, report what he sees through hex boundaries

If 02.-06 looks empty: Grim into 02.-06, Look into 02.-07, and show through waven's eyes

Repeat for 02.-07 and 02.-08, and let's see if we lay eyes on that city

Later, if possible, repeat for 01.-08, 01.-09, 01.-10

If no ranged/flying units defending Obelisk/Farm, Stinger has the Move for Capture/Raze one of them


Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread)

Dotti is gone for quite some time and Erfman is just starting to worry that perhaps something went wrong in the magic kingdom when Fanon’s portal ripples and Dotti steps through. She is still carrying the sack of fruit however it does not look as full as before.

”I managed to find three casters that were willing to perform rand conversions...” Dotti declares as she transfers nine rands in to Erfman’s purse. ”I was also able to find three casters who would be interested in selling their juice, a Croakamancer, a Luckamancer and Shockamancer. The Croakamancer and the Luckamancer are both asking for a minimum of four rations in payment though and I’m pretty sure that the Shockamancer is a member of the Blitzers.” Dotti reports.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread)

"4 rations for 100 Juice and 1 Rand? We can do that." Erfman replies.

"Hmm, one of the Blitzers? Shall we go out and welcome them all? NAP and NDA them all? And then invite them in one at a time? (So we can have conversations with the Croakamancer and Luckamancer without the Blitzer hearing? (Our foe is fond of Carnymancy, a NDA may not protect us) )" Erfman thinks out loud.

"Any objections? Grim? Cadaver? Dotti? AC?" Erfman then asks.

”Your highness, I have already used 12 of the 21 fruits that you gave me. That leaves only 9 fruits so we have only enough to pay two casters unless you have more fruit you wish to offer?” Dotti replies. ”I also only have 70 juice remaining and a non disclosure contract costs 25 juice so again I only have enough for two casters...” Dotti adds.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread)

"Oh, right! Well, you already brought them to our door, and we don't want to alienate any of them, least of all our mercenary friend. Perhaps an acceptable solution is first-come-first-serve, and the last one gets an offer for tomorrow.
Which of the three casters was the last to accept you offer Dotti?"
Erfman asks.

”Well to be honest I haven’t actually brought them to the door...” Dotti replies ”But I have arranged a way to contact each of them” Dotti explains.

”The Shockamancer was first, then the Croakamancer was next and the Luckamancer was last” Dotti replies.

”Would you like me to start work on two non disclosure contracts and send a message to the first caster to come to the portal?” Dotti then asks.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Compilation of Game Thread)

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread)

"Yes please" Erfman replies.
"And diplomatically, as only you know how, let the Luckamancer know we've run out of rations for today, but will have more tomorrow, and he will be the first in line if he still wishes to sell his Juice" Erfman adds.

Dotti nods and sits down writing out a quick note which she then places in an envelope and posts through the portal. Next she sets to work careful writing up the two new non disclosure contracts.

”The first caster is Roman Candle, I believe he is a level one novice Shockamancer and I strongly suspect he is a member of the Blitzers... Dotti briefs as she works. ”Of all those I talked to he seemed the most keen to sell us his juice...” Dotti adds.

Once she is done Dotti hands over the two new non disclosure contracts to Erfman before heading through the portal in order to meet Roman.

A few moments after Dotti leaves Erfman senses the request for a natural non aggression pact from a unit by the name of Roman Candle.

As Erfman accepts, Dotti then returns through the portal with a caster wrapped in a brown cloak. The caster is a male of average height and build with strawberry blonde spiked up hair. As soon as Roman spots Erfman he lets his cloak fall back revealing a red tunic underneath and a metal breastplate covering his chest.

Meanwhile Chief Bowie leads the Gobwins in to the tunnels under the city and they attempt to dig straight down. The two uncroaked are rather uncoordinated and make little progress with their digging. (The uncroaked Gobwins no longer have the sapper special).

Bowie and Forman meanwhile are much more successful and between them are able to dig a spiralling pit that heads straight down. At first they are digging up a fair amount of dirt but eventually they begin excavating stone.

(10 units of dirt and 6 units of stone obtained)

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread)

- To charge the tower you must be in the tower zone of the city (so yes above the 3rd floor) and in physical contact with an external wall (or the floor or spire if you are on the roof)

- You can reach there by going through empty stairwells and corridors. (No need to go through any sensitive rooms).

"Welcome Caster Candle." says Erfman, he glances at AC while continuing "One can't ever have enough Shockamancer Juice. Shall we go up so you can charge our tower?" Erfman says gesturing towards the stairs.

”Greetings and well met” Roman replies as he gives a strange one armed salute. ”Is all you require the tower to be charged with raw Shockamancy or were you requiring the hanging of spells?” he asks as he glances around the portal room. ”You’re representative did not specify” he adds as his gaze lingers briefly on each of the units in the room.

”Please lead the way...” Roman then declares.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread)

"Raw Juice for today is fine" says Erfman as he leads the way with his Bob shadow.

”Very good” Roman replies with a slight nod as he follows through the empty passageways and up the sets of staircases until they reach the tower level.

”I believe the price for my services was three rations correct?” Roman then declares.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread)

Before giving him the rations and he charging the tower
"Didn't Dotti mention the Rand conversions? Here are the 3 rations for your base pay, and 3 more fruits to be converted into Rands, if you're willing, as many as you're willing. Then the remaining Juice indeed into the Tower." Erfman interrupts.

Roman looks at Erfman for a moment before shrugging. ”If that is what you wish...” he finally replies.

With that said Roman begins to slowly create rands before taking a break to eat a piece of fruit and then starting on the next rand.

(3 fruit used 3 rands gained)

Tower 70/200

Once paid Roman places his hand on the wall and begins to channel his juice in to the tower. Soon enough Roman is done and the tower is filled with 70 juice.

”Objective completed as requested” Roman then declares.

”If you’re tower requires further charging I should be available next turn as well...” Roman then adds.

When he leaves

"What did you get from his Signamancy Dotti? That salute?
And how did he feel relative to us Mahogany? Hostile?"
Erfman questions.

”The salute appeared to be an ingrained action, likely something he has either done for a long time or a mannerism he was popped with. The Blitzers are not known for being organised or regimented so I would theorise that it is a remnant of Caster Candle’s former side. This may suggest that he has not been a barbarian long and is likely a new recruit to the Blitzers” Dotti reports. ”His signamancy suggests that he prefers structure and order, two traits that are unusual for Blitzers. He came across as cautious and curious but not overtly hostile. He was constantly observing and studying us while attempting to not draw too much attention in return.” Dotti reveals.

Mahogany then gives a wide eyed look at the question directed at her before a thoughtful expression crosses her features. Finally she smiles before moving to stand very close to Erfman before vigorously shaking her head. She then hurriedly moves to the far end of the room and stands in the corner as far away as she can get from everyone else and gives Erfman a meaningful look.

Meanwhile in the stables a Piker with a set of shears arrives and begins shearing the goats and collecting their wool.

(3 units of wool obtained)

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread)

"So, he was not hostile?" Asks Erfman asks pausing for a clear response, while also glancing at Dotti.

”He was not overtly hostile” Dotti replies. ”And he did not display any obvious signs of anger or aggression towards you or your side...” Dotti clarifies. ”If he is indeed working for the Dark One then it is likely that he sees it as strictly business...” Dotti finishes.

"And he.. wanted to belong? (was that what you mimed?)" asks Erfman uncertainly.

Mahogany looks at Erfman for a moment and then shakes her head before looking towards Dotti with slightly wide eyes.

”I believe the word she was trying to convey was distant...” Dotti reveals.

”Did you want me to send a message to the next caster now?” Dotti then asks. ”Next is a miss Kelly Ton Level 1 Novice croakamancer “ Dotti adds.

"Yes please" Says Erfman while *mentally ordering Gopher to give his fruits to Fert, and Fert to bring all 18 fruits 1 hex south into the Capital*

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread)

Dotti carefully writes out another letter before heading down to the portal room and posting it through the yellow portal.

Meanwhile scout Fert returns to the city with a sack filled with fruit and deposits it in the larder.

(18 fruit added to the larder)

Dotti then heads through the portal and a short while later Erfman is greeted by an offer of non aggression from a Kelly Ton before Dotti returns with a pale skinned and very gaunt looking woman wearing white robes.

”King Erfman, may I present to you croakamancer Kelly Ton” Dotti declares by way of introduction. The caster gives an awkward curtsy and looks expectantly in Erfman’s direction.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread)

"Welcome, welcome" says Erfman affably gently taking her hand in the courtly gesture as if to kiss it.

”Thank you for your kind welcome your majesty” Kelly replies in a weak voice barely above a whisper. ”I look forward to working with you as simple as my task may be on this occasion” she adds looking more at Erfman’s feet rather than towards his face.

"Dotti, if you would do the honours?" says Erfman as he gestures to the table.

”Certainly your majesty...” Dotti replies as she pulls out a seat. ”Please take a seat” she then offers Kelly, ”Now before you are hired I’m afraid we must take care of the prerequisites. In the interests of the intellectual security of both parties you are required to sign a non disclosure contract before any work is performed or any pay is received” Dotti explains ”It is rather standard stuff and nothing to be worried about but you are of course welcome to take your time reading the contract through before signing.”

Dotti then walks up to Erfman and with an amused smile reaches in to his jacket and pulls out one of the two non disclosure contracts she had given him earlier before careful placing it on the table along with a quill.

Kelly takes a quick glance at the contract and her eyes seem to briefly glide over it before she suddenly nods, picks up the quill and signs.