Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread)

”Yes" Erfman nods resolutely transferring another rand

"Does having the prisoner dazed like this makes it easier to apply Turnamancy on him?" Erfman asks. "and is a prisoner becoming dazed a usual outcome of a successful Turnamancy attempt?" Erfman quickly adds.

”It is merely a brief side effect of the spell, it will wear off very quickly” William replies.

”Come let us try again, channel your juice like so...” William instructs as he begins to guide the flow of juice. Erfman does as instructed this time feeling much more confident in what he is doing. As he works Erfman begins to get brief flashes of what motivates Strife before William begins to guide his hand. Slowly Erfman begins to feel those motivations shift and change.

(1 rand spent, Casting successful Erfman: 80/400 Juice)

”Very good we are making progress” William declares ”Once more or do you wish to try on your own this time?” William then questions.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Compilation of Game Thread)

--- Talking privately with AC ---

Erfman chuckles "It looks like we're going to have a contract signed, so I can duplicate your armor, and you can shoot at me without breaking our NAP during 'training' sessions" he says smiling

”Hmmm I can’t help thinking if you’re going to get a nice new set of armour out of this deal I should be getting something of equal value. So what can you offer me?” AC then asks.
Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread)

".. I have no idea" says Erfman at a loss. "You already have armor, a weapon and a spell focus, what more would you need?" Erfman continues honestly curious.

”Hmmm if we are talking of things that you could create with Dollamancy I would not object to a light golem mount...” AC replies.

Erfman continues to muse "A jetpack that grants the flying special perhaps?" Erfman muses out loud "Note that I don't yet know how to do one, but after replicating your armor I believe my skills should increase considerably. Would a contract promise to make it my research focus and give you the first one I produce when I finally learn how suffice?" Erfman suggests.

”A jet pack that grants the flying special... now that is tempting....” AC begins. ”What guarantee is there that you’ll ever learn how to make one if you don’t know how to make one now though? I can not be waiting for payment indefinitely. If you put in a clause if your unable to make it in a set amount of turns then you have to provide alternate payment that might be acceptable...” AC replies.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread)

"Hmm, I think I could do that." he muses

"What would be the goal? Transportation in the MK and screening in the MK? (given that going through portals seems to unjuice them golems)" Erfman questions.

"Transportation both in and out of the MK" AC replies "If it could be used for screening all the better" AC adds. "I'm not worried about the portal absorbing the golems juice... I'd most likely charge it after passing through a portal..." AC responds.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread)

"I expect any Mount to be able to screen the rider if ordered, so the follow up question would be on the details: Would you want the strongest light golem possible (and thus the more expensive maintenance-wise), or as long as it can carry you a few hexes (while still looking impressive) you'd prefer to minimize it's maintenance cost?” Erfman questions.

”I wouldn’t say strongest... what I’m looking for is fastest. I already pack a punch... I don’t need a war golem I need a ride” AC replies.

”The cheapest Mount Golem I could make should have 15 Juice upkeep." Erfman finishes with passion for his craft in his eyes.

”Hmmm ideally I’d like the upkeep to be 25 or less... that way maintaining it would only cost me a single spell...” AC replies.

"Then finally, would you like the Mount's stats to be focused on Move, or on Hits+Defense? Or a balanced mix of the three? (or even 4 if you'd like it to be able to kick :D)" Erfman questions.

”Move definitely move...” AC responds. ”Oh and it needs to be small enough to fit through portals...” AC adds.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread)

To pay AC with Golem mount. Basis of comparison, bird:
0/1/1/12 Flight (20 upkeep) does not need [Adept]

Erfman ponders, a golem without Flight special, but with Mount special, made of Wood, with a woolly saddle built in. What stats could he secure with 25 or less upkeep, maximizing Move?

And if the base material was Metal? Could the Golem be more elegant? (2 legged ostrich-type, thinner structure, more stats? and need [Adept]?)

Erfman can not be 100% sure of the stats until he spends Juice crafting however he is able to come up with the following rough designs:

Wooden Horse
1 / 1 / 4 / 12 / 0JC / 25s
Specials: Mount

Materials required: 6 wood 125 juice

Metal runner
1 / 1 / 4 / 13 / 0JC / 25s
Specials: Mount

Materials required: 4 metal 150 juice
With special materials Erfman believes he could improve these stats)

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread)

"AC, I think for 25J maintenance I would be able to squeeze 12 Move out of a Wooden Horse for you. Alternatively, if you find at least 4 metal, or special materials for me, I should be able to do even better for the same maintenance level" Erfman says felling satisfied "How does that sound as payment for studying your armor until I can replicate it?" Erfman then asks.

”12 move? Not great but I guess it’s the same as basic low level mounts...” AC replies with a shrug. ”If I do go for it though could the mount be upgraded later?” AC questions. ”Huh my armour is a work of art, if you want to learn it’s secrets I’d expect you to provide the materials for the mount” AC counters.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread)

"Of course AC." Erfman states in a soothing voice. "I have the wood and wool to make you a Wooden Horse with 12 Move." Erfman states placatingly.

"What I meant was, I'm an artist too," Erfman smiles slightly "And I can only work with what I have, and I currently only have Wood." he clarifies "If you get me better materials, I would be able to make you an even better Mount without 'charging' you extra for it."

"So, Wooden Horse it is? And indeed it could be upgraded afterwards (albeit, upgrading to a better Golem would likely increase its maintenance cost over the 25 limit)" Erfman.

”Sure why not...” AC grunts with a slight shrug of his shoulders.
----- End of private talk with AC -----

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread)

"I have yet to actually learn the spell, and for turning him I'd like to benefit from your level, so please, together one more time." Erfman finishes transferring another Rand.

The pair of casters once again begin to cast and all seems to be going well until Erfman begins to lose control of the spell he tries his best to keep hold of it but despite his best efforts the spell slips away and fails.

(1 rand spent Erfman 55/400 Juice)

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread)

Erfman wonders to himself what the effect of casting in tandem is actually being, since he was expecting one caster to pick up the slack when the other is floundering, and have the spell be cast successfully anyway. "William, why did the spell fail just now? You weren't able to pick up my slack? The warlord resisted us both? (Or me casting makes it harder on you?)" Erfman questions.

William raises an eyebrow as he looks back in Erfman’s direction. ”The prisoner did not resist, the spell failed to be cast correctly due to you losing control” William replies. ”Ah, I had presumed you knew how tandem casting worked as you were the one who suggested it...”. William begins. ”My mistake, when two or more units work cooperatively to cast a spell they spread the juice cost between them. One caster may take the lead and guide the other casters in casting making it easier for them to perform the spell however if one caster loses control of the spell the entire spell will fail” William explains. ”If you were hoping for two chances of succeeding then you may have been better served by both of us casting separately though this would have cost twice the amount of juice...” William adds.

"William, my priority is really having this Warlord turned. Please go ahead and turn him by yourself." Erfman then requests as he transfers more rands.

”Very well then stand back and you may observe while I complete the turning process” William declares as he places both hands on the back of Strife’s head. William then concentrates and closes his eyes as he begins to channel juice once again. It takes a while and actually two more castings of the spell before William steps back with a small smile on his face.

”It is done...” he declares as Erfman feels a new unit join the side.

Strife, Level 2 Warlord
5 / 5 / 11 / 8 / 10/24xp / 130s
Special Leadership, Torturer

Torturer: Unit may make a non magical turning check on a prisoner once per level per turn. In order to perform this check the unit must inflict a minimum of 1 point of damage to the prisoner.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread)

"Fantastic William, thank you so much. I believe I'll attempt to turn some infantry by myself later, to finally learn the spell. Now, we need to debrief Strife, and with our NDA you are welcome to stick around." he says with a nod. Then he turns to Strife.

William gives a polite nod before stepping back.

"Warlord Strife, accompany me." Erfman declares while mentally ordering one of the uncroaked knights to fall in formation as he marches towards the Portal room.

Strife takes a moment to recover from the dazed state he was in but he eventually stands up and shakes his head before slowly trudging after Erfman.

At the portal room, as Strife enters
"Everyone, meet our newest member."

"Warlord Strife, report. Turn 14 of Fanon you were detected nearby with Redshirt and the army of
- 2 spooks
- 4 mummies
- 2 Ogwes
- 5 knights
- 5 waven mounts
- 29 stabbers
- 4 archers
- 40 uncroaked stabbers
- 16 uncroaked archers
- 4 shock troopers
- 11 wavens
- 2 magenta wavens"

"I expect that army took 3 turns to cover the distance from Fanfic to here. Do you confirm?
How many troops remained behind in Fanfic and surrounding hexes on Turn 12?
What fraction of the Dark Side's total forces did that army comprise?
How many cities of what levels did the Dark Side contain 4 turns ago?
Did you visit the Capital of Dark Side? And what is its location in relation to here?"

"Yeah the march took three turns, it would have been quicker if not for the Ogwe's...." Strife replies with a noncommittal shrug. "When I left? one caster, one warlord, 1 uncroaked warlord and about three stacks of uncroaked were left in the city" Strife answers "Not sure what was in the surrounding hexes at the time but it would have been mostly uncroaked" he adds. "What fraction? not a clue but it would have been a very small fraction" Strife answers. "I couldn't say a couple of dozen cities I guess...." Strife. "Never been to the capital but it's far from here... over the water at the very least..." Strife reveals.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread)

"What about production? Is Fanfic's production standard for a lvl3 city?" Erfman continues his queries.

”I recon so...” Strife replies with a bored look on his face.

"How was the Dark Side fielding so many uncroaked, where did the bodies come from? And uncroaked raised by Spooks also did not decay?" Erfman asks.

”Some the Dark One brought with him from over the sea, most however are former units of Fanon or nearby sides” Strife reveals still looking rather disinterested. ”None of the Dark Side’s unit’s decay no matter how they were uncroaked” he adds.

"What about the uncroaked wavens, do you know their provenience?" Erfman then asks.

”The Wavens? They’re ferals... the Dark One has learnt the secret of how to breed them as though they were natural allies” Strife reveals. ”When he needs scouts he has them harvested and uncroaked” Strife then adds.

"What are the baseline stats for any side specific unit produced by the Dark One? What level cities are necessary to produce them, and how long do they take to produce, or are they caster made?" Erfman questions.

”The majority of the Dark One’s speciality units are uncroaked, they are not popped but created by the Dark One” Strife answers. ”The abilities of Spooks are a closely guarded secret, Mummies have equivalent stats to a knight and basic uncroaked have equivalent stats to those they had before they were croaked” Strife answers. ”As for living units Ogwe’s which you know of can be popped in Level 2 cities and Giant Wavens can be popped in Level 3 cities. Fanfic can pop an Ogwe ever other turn and giant Wavens they can pop every turn.” Strife answers.

"What contractors does the dark one have that you are familiar with?" Erfman asks.

”not a clue...” Strife replies with a shrug of his shoulders.

"What details can you give us regarding the dark one's casters?" Erfman questions.

”The only true caster he has in the area is Lady Shipping a Level three Noble Thinkamancer” Strife answers.

"Are there any hidden resources, features, or special hexes in the Dark One's domain? where and what are they, if so?" Erfman questions.

”I don’t know about hidden but he has plenty of farms, mines, lumber mills and the like” Strife answers. ”There’s also the obelisks and there is a ruins hex not far from fanfic” Strife adds.

"Does the Dark One seem to favour specific types of troops, barring uncroaked infantry? if so, what, and how are they used?"

”Yes casters...” Strife replies. ”Oh and I hear he also likes uncroaked Dwagons” he adds.

"What standing orders do troops of the Dark One have? What orders were you under before you were sent here?" Erfman questions.

”Defend the cities and the obelisks, croak or capture all units that approach, extra care should be taken in capturing any casters encountered” Strife reveals.

Erfman nods and turns to the rest present
"We have 4 plains hexes and 5 double-move forest hexes from here to the Obelisk or to Fanfic, our main targets. If not for these forest hexes we have the mobility to surprise the defenders." Erfman declares stating the problem. "How to deal with these forest hexes to make crossing them 1-move?" Erfman then asks.

"Given that cut trees in an hex grow back slowly, would cutting down the trees in a path through the center of the hex solve this for us? (would it make the path 1-move to cross? Does anyone have that experience?)" Erfman asks the room.

Mahogany steps forwards and holds up four fingers she then makes a cutting motion with her other hand before dropping down two fingers leaving only two fingers pointing up. With her index and middle fingers she then walks it across her palm before holding up a single finger.

Dotti then coughs and speaks up. ”I believe miss Mahogany is trying to say that you need to cut down half of a heavy forest hex in order to reduce it to one move” Dotti translates getting a nod from the Dwyad.

"Does anyone have knowledge of Infernos and turning a hex into an Ash hex? If a single forest hex goes up in flames, will the neighbor hexes also catch fire? What's the move cost of an Ash hex?" Erfman questions.

”Sire our farm is currently an ash hex, units that have moved through it spent only one move” Bob answers speaking up for the first time in a while. ”I’m not sure if an inferno can spread to other hexes though...” he adds.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread)

*mental order to two scouts to go undress Jessie of her Armor*

Receiving the order the two scouts scurry off to carefully remove the armour from the inactive golem.

*Have Scout F move down the mountain on the other side of the river, and harvest the 3 fruits there*

Receiving the order the scout heads out of the mountain hex and down on the other side of the river before setting to work harvesting fruit from the bush.

(3 fruit gained)

"Okaay, very nice" Erfman rubs his hands looking serious but with contained excitement

"Check this" He says pointing at the map

"If we figure out a way to safely start an inferno from the air, Grim would be able to set these hexes ablaze, while we cut a path on that regular forest hex. This would allow on the next turn The Luggage to move us all the way here, which leaves our whole army able to strike Fanfic or the Obelisk, while also putting the Farm and the Ruins in range of a mounted force." Erfman declares.

(Is Erfman aware if there is flammable liquid available in Fanon? (a jug of lamp oil?) )

(No there is not any flammable liquid available)

"Grim here is a scroll user. AC do you think one Fiery Blast would be enough to set one tree ablaze? (if not, do you have a more suitable spell to starting fires?)" Erfman then questions.

”One fiery blast should be more than enough to set a tree alight” AC replies. ”I can’t guarantee it will start an inferno though” AC then adds.

To Strife

”What cities have you been at?” Erfman questions.

”I was popped in Sacra but after that I spent some time in Odveig before being brought to Fanfic and now Fanon” Strife replies

”What do you know of the side/city to the west of Fanfic?” Erfman then asks.

”Which one?” Strife asks in return.

”What do you know of the warlord at Fanfic?” Erfman then questions.

”Bran? He’s a level one caretaker Warlord... he’s little better than a courtier but he makes sure the city is managed...” Strife scoffs.

”What do you know about prince Redshirt?” Erfman then asks.

”He used to be Fanon’s heir until the Dark One turned him in to an advanced thinking uncroaked” Strife answers.

”Can you expand our current map north of Fanfic?” Erfman questions.

”Doubt I could map it out but I know what’s up there roughly...” Strife replies.

”Do you know of any natural allies that the Darkside has?” Erfman finishes.

”None that I’m aware of...” Strife responds.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread)

"Strife, describe roughly what is to the North of Fanfic, and what you know of this city" he states pointing to -06.-09 in the map "And then tell us the rough direction and hex distance of Sacra and Odveig from Fanfic." he adds.

"North of Fanfic is a large forest and beyond that there is another obelisk, the city of Fanboy and a lumber mill...." Strife replies. "That's the city of Fanart..." Strife then replies as he looks at the map. "It's a former city of old Fanon, I believe it was claimed by barbarians after the fall of old Fanon" Strife then adds. "Sacra and Odveig? North west I think... must be 100 to 200 hexes away..." Strife thinks out loud.

"Finally, describe the traps and other static defenses that are currently implemented in Fanfic." he concludes

"Well there's archery towers and miniature shockamancy towers. There's also a large number of shockamancy traps on both the floor and in strategic locations..." Strife answers.

Thinking back to how to attack Fanfic by creating a path with Infernos

"Hmm, if we make a road for ourselves, it will go both ways. The most optimal solution would be making The Luggage Forest Capable" he ponders out loud.

"Let me analyse to see if and how possible that could be" he states while ordering a Hog and The Luggage to join them in the Portal room. He then proceeds to do a more thorough inspection and estimation.

(Erfman has already, in passing, thought it could be possible if expensive; Does he still think so? If so, how expensive roughly?)

- The cheapest and easiest option would be to replace The Luggage's mountain capable special with forest capable

Erfman recons it would be possible to add forest capable and have both specials however the craft check would have a higher difficulty. Erfman estimates that the maintenance cost of The Luggage could increase from anywhere from 20 to 40 juice

- The requirements to ride a mount are that they are a light unit AND humanoid

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread)

"Strife, last question, what do you know of the obelisks?" Erfman asks.

”They are weapons of the Dark One, only he knows how they truly work. They have something to do with the Dark Ones magic... they make it stronger or reach further perhaps...” Strife replies. ”He values them greatly though... that much I do know...” Strife the adds.

Looking again at The Luggage

"Yes.., yes I could add Forest Capable to The Luggage, either by swapping the Mountain Capable out, or directly adding, but both for uncertain Juice cost.."

"An alternative would be dabbling directly in Weirdomancy. The simplest Weirdomancy spell might be 'Add 1 Special, to 1 unit, for 1 turn, for 25 Juice' (50 for me), I might actually succeed at that. If we have spare Rands we could ask your Findamancer contact to point us to the closest Weirdomancer, and ask them for lessons
." He finishes glancing at Dotti.

”Weirdomancers are rare but yes with a findamancer I believe we should be able to locate one” Dotti replies with a slight nod.

"Hmm, the possibility of adding specials to a unit opens a lot of possibilities.." Erfman muses "Does anyone know of a unit that is immune to Shockamancy? A Blue Dwagon perhaps?" Erfman questions.

”I have never met a unit that was immune to all forms Shockamancy” AC replies. ”Resistant yes or immune to one form such as fire or lightning. But completely immune? No” AC answers.

Struck by a thought, Erfman turns to William
"Caster William, is it within your power to increase a city's production? If so, what is its exact effects, and how much would you charge for that service?". Erfman questions.

”At my current level and mastery I could boost the production rate of a city by 75%... what does that mean in terms of units for a level one city?

Pikers (2/turn) would become 3/turn
Scouts (2/turn) would become 3/turn

I would charge 4 rands for this service...”
William replies.

Thinking to secure the Lookamancer for the next turn, Erfman turns to Dotti
"Dotty, would you let Bea know that if she's willing, we'd be happy to hire her tomorrow for two Deep Look castings? (So she doesn't use all her Juice before)" Requests Erfman.

”Certainly I will send her a message right away” Dotti replies as she takes a seat and pulls out her quill.

"That will be early in the turn, just after we ask you to seek casters willing to make Rand Conversions in exchange for fruits" Erfman then adds

A bit after, motioning Dotti to a quieter corner out of the Portal Room.

"Dear Dotti, tomorrow, I'd call upon your full services again, just as today. Are you willing, and will be able to?" he inquires in a soothing voice, thinking of her previously mentioned contractual obligations

”Yes I believe I should be able to make myself available next turn” Dotti replies with a smile.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread)

Later in the Portal room, with his allies around him, Erfman suddenly goes very still looking at the map "..." and then he begins to mutter with contained excitement "(...we have the Juice to try, yes, I could make it, yes, I could Weirdomancy The Luggage into a Forest Capable today, and we have the funds, and the stone! 3000 in cash, make a building reducing the cost to upgrade to 4000, and attack the Obelisk with all our forces today! Razing it for the last 1000!)" Erfman mutters. Erfman then turns quickly towards Dotti "Dotti! Change of plans! We have 3 Rands with Bea's name on them for Deep Look on the Obelisk right now! If she has the Juice" he quickly blurts excited.

"Of course I will send the message now..." Dotti replies as she once again.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread)

"If Bea is available you can already pen her NDA with tower Juice for me to sign" he continues, riding the euphoria high.

After sending the message Dotti hurries up to the tower to begin writing out yet another NDA. A short while later Dotti returns with contract in hand.

Tower: 130/200 Juice

Erfman then receives a request from a unit by the Name if Bea Nocular for a non aggression pact which he immediately accepts. A caster wearing beige shirts and a beige shirt then steps through the portal with a strange device hanging around her neck. Dotti then hurries forwards and quickly gets her to sign the non disclosure contract.

”King Erfman I presume?” Bea then declares by way of greeting.

Erfman gently takes her hands in his, "Caster Bea, I'm King Erfman, thank you for coming, we are most grateful for your presence, as upon your Eye rests the lymphchin of a plan that would allow us to upgrade our Capital while dealing a significant blow to our enemies in one fell swoop!" Erfman begins with a large smile

"Come" he lightly pulls her towards the table with the map, and points "Here, look, we plan to transverse these hexes and strike here, at this Obelisk, which we'd have you Deep Look" he continues losing the smile "Be wary as there may be more than one Spook in the hex: ghostly creatures capable of turning completely invisible, and crossing solid objects, thus allowing them to hide inside structures, the ground, or even other units!" he explains

"Will you cast? Does it help to do so from the tower" Erfman questions.

”Yes I will need to stand upon the top of the tower in order for my spell to work at it’s most efficient” Bea replies.

"Lets go then" Erfman says leading the way.

Once at the top of the tower Bea looks north and raises the strange device to her eyes before she begins to cast.

”Ah yes the hex is defended...” Bea begins. ”I count two full stacks all uncroaked. Each stack consists of 1 Knight, 3 stabbers and four Archers. I also detect two presences within the structure though even my sight can not see them clearly.” Bea reveals.

(3 rands spent)

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread)

As Bea reveals our foes, Erfman calculates "Caster friends, if AC makes us a scroll of Gradoken, an Adept Shockamancy spell, will there be a chance that me, a novice Shockamancer will fail to cast it? (What of Cadaver, a non-shockamancer?)" Erfman questions.

”The difficult part is making the scroll not casting it” AC replies. ”I mean you could still miss but it’s very unlikely you would fail to cast the scroll completely...” AC adds.

Mentally checking the Larder Erfman muses "hmm.. we still have 9 Fruits.. Caster Bea, have you eaten today? Would you accept 3 rations of Fruits for 70 of your Juice?" Erfman questions.

”Yes I have already eaten Thank you” Bea replies with a polite smile. ”I am afraid I prefer my payment in either shmuckers or rands” Bea then answers. ”If that was the only spell you needed casting I should move on to other clients before turn end...” Bea finishes.

--- Start of turning attempts ---

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread)

- When Strife turned he regained his armour (chainmail with shoulder pauldrons), his helmet and his axe. All equipment is mundane, was in our Armory, and was transported to him.

Then Erfman nods decisively back to Strife.

"Time to turn some prisoners. Caster William, I plan to draw out one stabber prisoner, and give him a speech prompting him to turn. If he doesn't then I'll apply your lessons and attempt to turn him with Juice. Would you watch and discretely give me directions if you feel they are warranted?" Erfman questions.

”Certainly” William replies with a polite dip of his head.

Having received a silent order a scout hurries in to the room carrying the Shockamancy sword retrieved from the armoury. With a bow the scout holds out the sword for Erfman to take.

"Here Grim, wear this proudly, you'll be making use of it later today in your foray, and in the future" Erfman says with a decisive nod as he picks up the sword and offers it to the Warlord thinking he would make a good show to the prisoners, wearing Redshirt's sword.

Grim looks a bit hesitant but he eventually picks up the sword and holds it up in the air almost reverently. ”Thank you your majesty...” he eventually replies.

"Okay, Strife, Grim, please join me." says Erfman as he mentally orders Bob to go first into The Luggage, and then climbs in right behind him. As Grim, Strife and William enter The Luggage, Erfman is also mentally pinging two uncroaked Knights, the uncroaked archers and piker, and Tex and Mex into The Luggage, and Stompy into the Portal Room, to peer into The Luggage open maw, being visible from below.

Erfman orders the turned uncroaked archers and piker to line the opposite wall, and as all the turned Dark Side units are present and visible, Erfman nods, and turns to the first closed off cell where a Stabber resides. He mentally orders the uncroaked knights forward to grab the prisoner, as he also have The Luggage open up the first cell with a Stabber.

The wood slides back revealing an unarmed Stabber who struggles slightly as he is pulled forwards by the uncroaked.

"Prisoner, know that I am King Erfman of Fanon, and you were led here by your warlords to capture me."

"Know that Redshirt is vanquished and both Warlord Grim and Warlord Strife have decided to join me."
Erfman states gesturing to the present Warlords behind him without breaking eye-contact

"Turn. Turn and join your stack brothers and sisters in stabbing our new enemies under our leadership."

"Do not force us to have to proceed to more drastic measures"
Erfman finishes in a low voice glancing at Strife. Strife for his part pulls out a wicked looking dagger and grins maliciously as he eyes the Stabber.

The Stabber gulps and stumbles slightly before standing straighter and glaring back in Erfman’s direction. He doesn’t speak but he resolutely shakes his head.

”Want me to work him over? I’ll get him to turn easy... I won’t even have too break too many bones...” Strife declares as he takes a step forwards.

- Golems do not have to be in the city in order to have their Upkeep paid in schmukers.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread)

Pondering his craft, erfman starts to wonder about the details of golem crafting.

All costs are estimates;

What is the cheapest, weakest golem he could make?
Etsie 1 wool 50 Juice
0 / 0 / 1 / 0 / 0JC / 1s
Special: Immobile, Non combatant


Crude wood Golem: 3 Wood 75 juice. 1 / 1 / 6 / 0 / (5s upkeep)
Special: Garrison


Crude wood Golem: 3 Wood 75 juice. 1 / 1 / 6 / 8 / (10s upkeep)

The base golem, but with forest capable? mountain capable? both?
Crude Forest Golem: 4 Wood 100 juice. 1 / 1 / 6 / 8 / (30s upkeep)
Special: Forest capable

Crude Mountain Golem: 3 Wood 1 metal 125 juice. 1 / 1 / 6 / 8 / (30s upkeep)
Special: Mountain capable

Crude All terrain Golem: 4 Wood 1 metal 150 juice. 1 / 1 / 6 / 8 / (70s upkeep)
Special: Forest capable, Mountain capable.

base golem with flight? mount? both?
Crude Flying Golem: 2 Wood 2 leather 2 cloth 150 juice. 1 / 1 / 4 / 8 / (30s upkeep)
Special: Flight

Crude Wooden Mount Golem: 6 Wood 125 juice. 1 / 1 / 6 / 8 / (25s upkeep)
Special: Mount

Crude Flying Mount Golem: 4 Wood 2 leather 2 cloth 200 juice. 1 / 1 / 4 / 8 / (65s upkeep)
Special: Flight, Mount

base golem with archery
Crude wooden archer Golem: 4 Wood 100 juice. 1 / 1 / 6 / 0 / (10s upkeep)
Special: Garrison, Archery


Crude wooden archer Golem: 4 Wood 100 juice. 1 / 1 / 6 / 8 / (20s upkeep)
Special: Archery

base golem with heavy

Crude Heavy wood Golem: 8 Wood 300 juice. 1 / 4 / 12 / 0 / (40s upkeep)
Special: Garrison, Heavy


Crude Heavy wood Golem: 8 Wood 300 juice. 1 / 4 / 12 / 8 / (80s upkeep)
Special: Heavy

base golem with mining

Crude Mining Golem: 4 Wood 2 metal 150 juice. 1 / 1 / 6 / 8 / (30s upkeep)
Special: Sapper

Erfman then begins to compile this into a list of estimated juice cost by specials, and corresponding changes to upkeep, and ponders if combining would cost more than just the costs of the base specials

After some more consideration, Erfman starts most lists and makes more charts:

Wearable golemancy
Erfman imagines helmet or gauntlet golems, etc, should be possible. However he will need to have a design and function in mind before he could estimate proper stats or cost.

wooden Equipment golem ?2 wood ?100 Juice
0 / 0 / 1 / 0 / 0JC / 5s
Special: non combatant

Equipable item
Forest capable ~500 juice
Mountain capable ~500 juice
Sapper ~500 juice
Flight ~500 juice
Archery ~200 juice and item must also be +1
One point of extra defence, at no move penalty
+1 ~100 juice (item must be masterwork)
as above, but offense
+1 ~100 juice (item must be masterwork)

Estimates on costs for an item that:
Improve the effective caster level of a caster: 200 juice (item must already be +1)

Estimates on costs for facilities that:
General purpose dedicated caster's workshop: ~20-30 wood, stone or metal plus construction knowledge required

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread)

Erfman will give the stabber a level look while putting a hand up to halt Strife.

"You know Warlord Strife's reputation. Do you really doubt he could convince you to join the side?" he questions

The Stabber clenches his jaw and silently glares back stubbornly refusing to turn.

"You will join the side. I don't want to resort to the same tactics the dark one is willing to use so easily, however I have a duty of my own. So you can join the side willingly or become another notch on Warlord Strife's belt. So again stabber, Turn!" he orders, projecting force into his gaze

”NO!” the Stabber shouts backs as he begins to struggle against the undead holding him in place.

Erfman then looks at Strife and states “I’ll go first. Watch. Watch and see what was done to you.”

”Pfft just let me cut him... it’s not like anything I cut off won’t come back...” Strife retorts with a frown.

Erfman then prowls forward around the Stabber in a similar fashion as William did before, circling him once, twice, and settling behind the Stabber as the uncroaked hold him in place

When the Stabber seems most uncomfortable, Erfman then channels Juice into him as he touches the back of the Stabber’s head.

As soon as Erfman touches the back of the Stabber’s head a rush of understanding rushes through Erfman’s head as everything clicks in to place.

<Critical Success>
<Level 1 Stabber has turned to Fanon>
<Turn prisoner Spell learned>

Erfman: 55 / 400 Juice.

The Stabber stumbles forwards as his livery changes to that of Fanon and his armour and sword reappears. Recovery from a slightly dazed state the Stabber then stands to attention

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread)

- Estimated costs are base costs to build these golems from scratch, with no bonuses taken into consideration. Upgrading one golem to another may be more expensive than creating it from scratch.

Non Combatant: Unit cannot Attack and does not provide or receive a stack bonus.
- Upgrades may cost more than the difference between the two models due to wasted materials and juice.

- Crude Metal golems may have better stats than their wood golem equivalents and cost more juice to create.

- The more specials the more expensive it would be. The increase is not linear.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread)

"Welcome. Stabber, state your name, age, and cities visited." Erfman orders

"Rex, 12 turns old, Fanfic and Fanon" The stabber answers rapidly as he stands to attention.

Erfman nods and motions towards Tex and Mex, "go stand with your brothers" he orders.

Rex gives a quick salute and hurries over to join the two other Stabbers.

He then turns to William "Thank you, I just learned the spell with that attempt. I won't be casting anymore today, so you may linger and observe our efforts, but I won't ask you to stay any further." Erfman finishes with a small nod.

"Very good your highness, if you no longer require my services I shall take my leave..." William replies. "If you require me again Miss Dotti knows how to contact me..." William adds before making his way towards the portal

Erfman then checks that all turned Dark side units are visible (Stompy as well at The Luggage's entrance) and then motions the uncroaked into position for the next stabber, and orders The Luggage to open the cell.

"Stabber, how much did you hear of Stabber Rex's turning?" Erfman questions.

The Stabber remains quiet and looks away.

"Know that I am King Erfman of Fanon, and you were led here by your warlords to capture me." Erfman declares.

"Know that Redshirt is vanquished and both Warlord Grim and Warlord Strife have decided to join me." Erfman states gesturing to the present Warlords behind him without breaking eye-contact

"Turn. Turn and join your stack brothers and sisters in stabbing our new enemies under our leadership." Erfman adds.

"Do not force us to have to proceed to more drastic measures" Erfman finishes in a low voice glancing at Strife.

"I..I.. I'm not turning..." The stabber stutters.

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread)

Erfman will give the stabber a level look while delivering his next line "You know Warlord Strife's reputation. Do you really doubt he could convince you to join the side?" Erfman declares.

”I..I... w..would rather croak than betray my side” the Stabber stutters back while shaking like a leaf.

"You will join the side. I don't want to resort to the same tactics the Dark One is willing to use so easily, however I have a duty of my own. So you can join the side willingly or become another notch on Warlord Strife's belt. So again stabber, Turn!" he orders, projecting force into his gaze

”N...N...No” the Stabber replies going pale and looking a little sick.

"Strife will see you later." Erfman finishes ominously as he orders the prisoner sealed away into isolation again

As the wooden walls swallow the prisoner Erfman half turns and addresses Strife in a low voice as to not carry to the other prisoners "Lets do a first pass just with psychological Turnamamcy, and then you can start to apply your craft by the archers first" Erfman reveals.

A wicked grin spreads across Strife’s face as he eyes the prisoners.

Erfman then rinses and repeats for each Prisoner Infantry

Most of the prisoners refuse Erfman’s ultimatum though two stabbers and two archers do decide to turn rather than risk being tortured.

<2 Stabbers and 2 Archers turned to Fanon>

Finish this first pass, it's time for Strife to torture a prisoner. Erfman grimly make himself watch, just like if he ever needs to execute a member of the side he will have to do it with his own hands by disbandment.

”My turn! Strife then declares as he cracks his knuckles and strides forwards. Unsealing one of the Archers Strife does not hesitate and punches the Archer straight in the throat before dragging him out in to the middle of the room while he struggles to breath. Pinning the archer to the floor with his foot Strife twists the Archers arm behind his back and pulls out a wicked looking dagger from his belt and holds it up to one of the Archer’s fingers.

”Turn or I will take you apart piece by piece!” Strife growls. Before the archer can even respond Strife cuts and a severed finger drops to the floor while the archer howls in pain.

Bob and some of the casters fidget uncomfortably while this is going on and keep glancing between Strife and Erfman.

”Turn!” Strife then bellows as he wrenches the Archers arm higher behind his back. When the archer does not immediately turn Strife cuts again and a second finger falls to the floor.

Strife then flips the prisoner pinning him to the ground once again before holding the tip of his blade millimetres away from the archer’s eye. ”Turn...” Turn Strife then whispers in a cold voice. There is a moment of hesitation before the prisoners livery flickers as he turns to Fanon.

<1 archer turned to Fanon>

Subject: Erfman the Barbarian (Game thread)

After the Archer turns, Erfman approaches and offers a hand to the archer's respective undamaged hand, to help him up, and waits for the archer to take his time doing so with a patient and sympathetic expression.

As the archer stands, "Welcome. I commend you and your Duty that forced you to endure such before joining us. State your name, age and cities visited." ”Archie, 14 turns old, Fanfic and Fanon Sir” the archer replies.

Erfman nods "Tomorrow, as your wounds are cleansed, and my Juice is restored, I'll make a magical bow, and it will be yours." Erfman nods to the Archer and motions to his stack brothers "Go stand with your stack brothers as we continue." Erfman adds.

“Thank you Sir” the archer replies in surprise not quite believing that he’ll be getting a magical weapon. He then hurries off to join the other units.

As the mangled archer goes and stands, Erfman then turns to his older friends. "Friends, it seems this is the reality of Erf, specially when faced with a vastly superior force assaulting us. As a Ruler, I feel that if I ask these tactics be used, then I must not advert my gaze, it should never be easy for me to order such. You however, need not witness this. This burden is mine to carry, and I choose to carry it for Fanon." he solemnly states. "Please, wait for us in the Portal Room." he gently asks.

All the units leave and climb out of the luggage except for Bob and Strife. Strife takes a moment to look Bob up and down before issuing an order. ”Piker leave us!” the Warlord orders. Bob looks reluctant to do so but eventually complies.

”Good finally alone” Strife declares as he turns to look at Erfman. ”Now I can’t help noticing we don’t have a Chief warlord’s bonus. From what I’ve seen I’m now you’re highest level Warlord. I suggest you make me the Chief” Strife declares getting straight to the point

Erfman ignores Strife for the moment, as after all living non-turned-Dark-Side units climb out of The Luggage, he orders her and Stompy out into the courtyard. While they are moving Erfman goes again to the hurt archer, he asks for his hand, and looking at it and then him "Can you fire your bow?"

”I believe so...” Archie replies hesitantly as he looks at his hand.

- Only hits were lost

He walks back into position and says to Strife "Don't damage their Move or offensive ability, we will see battle today" and motions to the cell with the last archer.

Strife grins sinisterly before striding forwards and setting to work. After several minutes of rather anguished screams another archer joins the side.

<Archer turned to Fanon>

---- End of turning attempts ----