Back in the saddle again, if only to post this and vanish into the aether again for at least a few days.

Zodi Plays: Dishonored [27] Whalers

Video Length: 29:24

In today's episode of Dishonored, we can finally take the fight to Daud given that we've got all our stuff back finally. We'll be infiltrating his base and beating up all his fancy, whale powered assassins, and perhaps giving Daud a bit of a spook. Perhaps. The Whalers, as they're called, are rather interesting enemies. At range they only have crossbows, rapid-fire but also rather piddly damage. They're not all that dangerous. From melee however they're kinda scary, given how good they are at swordplay and their Pull magic that mostly disables us. As with most enemies, the best way to deal with them is to just not. Another enemy type in this area, though we only see a bit of it, are the Wolfhounds. Fun fact about this; in the kennel area of our first mission, if we kill all those dogs there, Daud won't have any dogs here. He liberated them, ad you can find a message in game saying as such. Cool!

In Daud's home base itself, there's a couple of really good areas that I only slightly touched on, which is one of the unfortunate parts of a blind playthrough; messing up real cool set pieces. The first of these that I'm aware of is the sneaking area, where one of the Whaler's is teaching another how to move without being seen in a rather direct and cool reference to Thief. This game never quite plays with shadows the way thief does, except for this one area, and it's cool. The second set piece I mess up is, unfortunately, the Daud situation.

With Daud, the intent is that your fight with him is NOT lethal. Once you beat him you can spare him or not. I of course, not knowing this, think I screwed up and would have to kill him if we fought, so I just kinda ran my silly ass away. So it goes, sadly. Daud himself is actually a pretty cool character, an assassin who is not so much looking to REPENT as he is feeling bad about the fact that some of the people he killed might have actually been good. It's fascinating, and I imagine it's explored more in Daudhonoured: Knife of Brigwall.

The last minor thing I mess up is understand just how debilitating it is to have someone possess you, leading to an... unfortunate situation. Ah well, such is life (and it's taking). I hope you all enjoyed, next time we uh... we have a fun time. Hope you all enjoyed, I'll see you then.