Welp, time to learn sign language, I guess.
Also, while this was clearly a distraction, I didn’t expect Kore to use it to run away.
Quote Originally Posted by deuterio12 View Post
That was a masterful move by Kore.

Not only is Chief distracting them while he makes his escape, he's also giving the completely wrong advice.

Basically even if they make Kore not count as LG, it barely impacts him since he hasn't been using his paladin powers much. Smite Evil? Detect Evil? Remove Disease? Special mount? He's never used any of those. Charisma to saves? His charisma clearly sucks so he won't miss that either. Lay on hands? Just chug a potion instead. Only thing he may care about is loss of spellcasting and not like he was using that much either.

Meanwhile Kore would still retain his full Bab and d10HP and armor proficiency and all other fighty stats that what's make him really dangerous.

Worst case scenario, Kore could even trade his gimped paladin levels for Blackguard levels right away which would arguably make him a lot more dangerous since that comes with a lot of abilities for hurting others.

So they should just pursue Kore (that's leaving a convenient bleeding trail and everything) and then resume stabbing the hell out of him.
Being a LG paladin is the core (eh) of Kore’s identity, take that from him and he’ll lose whatever grip on sanity he has left. Hell, he might kill himself if he realizes he actually is evil. He certainly won’t take blackguard levels. It’s also very possible that his curse is dependent on his being a paladin (because of the whole Prissan business) meaning that without his paladinhood he might just drop dead immediately.