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Thread: The Inheritance Wars (Team Light)

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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Inheritance Wars (Team Light)

    The inside of the large mansion was pretty expansive, as well as just regular pretty, prompting Rikku to pause and soak it in. She spoke as she did so, distantly distracted by the opulance of it "So this artifact" She began, turning in place to look around "What does it look like?". While personally not really an 'expert' in the subject, Rikku's newly endowed abilities were quite specilized towards the task of 'entering a building to find a magic object'. She was pretty convinced she could just wander around and find it without much effort, but it seemed more polite to ask, if only to cut down on the amount of rummaging through other peoples belongings she needed to do.
    Last edited by NineOfSpades; 2019-10-17 at 11:17 AM.
    High Reverend of the Church of the Icosahedron