Quote Originally Posted by Devonix View Post
Mob is a powerful character, but unlike Saitama he actually does have limits. Mob's character isn't built around being unstoppable. and he does encounter characters that he can't brute force through. Through shown feats, and shown durability to damage, Tatsumaki takes this one.
Mob hasn't fought a single character that he couldn't brute force through. Every single opponent its more about Mob NOT wanting to fight (both consciously and subconsciously) than beating them senseless. Mob also tanked what amounts to a city being thrown at him so he DOES have durability feats as well.
Quote Originally Posted by Devonix View Post
and then there's ??? you know what
when we take ??? and Mob when they merge back together than Mob might take it.
The problem tho Devonix is that
Spoiler: ???
is Mob without his limits. Mogami spelled it out when they was inside the mental world of the girl Mob was trying to save and Dimple confirmed it when he saw the beginning of that awakening. ??? is the side of Mob that is just pure power, with nothing mentally holding him back. He's not pissed, or sad, or mad or any other emotion. He's just power. And simply incapping Mob isn't enough to stop him cause ??? CAN spawn from that point.

Another feather in Mob's cap is that he can outright absorb psychic energy from others to power himself. He also doesn't share Tatsumaki's main two weaknesses: shield degradation while attacking and shield durability over prolonged periods.

I will be the first to admit that I haven't seen any of season 2 of OPM, so I don't know if she made any huge improvements, nor have I read the manga... But I have read and seen Mob. Mob learns abilities by seeing them and wanting to learn them: its how he learned how to manipulate plants. But the absorption ability is what I think will give him the huge edge, not ???. I don't think Tatsumaki has any defense against something like that, and I'm not sure she can prevent mob from just jacking her body either.