Spoiler: Status
Condition: Fatigued+Impaired
HP: 2

Claire hung on to Kelly's every word, eyes gleaming with excitement. "All of that sounds so incredible! I definitely want to see Hawaii! And sushi! And Canada! And Greece! And London! Oh and the Grand Canyon door, that sounds super interesting, um I mean I am not sure how old you were when you discovered it but you are definitely technically older than that now so we could definitely do it right?! Um-" Claire stopped, drawing back slightly. "Uh I mean if you wanted to that is haha. I am sorry, I just haven't been out of the country or um really out of town since-" they considered a few fuzzy, hard-to-discern memories of outings with Claire's parents. "-well the last family holiday I suppose. And there is just so much to do and see! I do not think running out will be a problem." they chuckled. Not in the timeframe they were aiming for, anyway.


"Oh, well, um, I do not think I did all that well, haha." Claire replied sheepishly as Tansy joined them. "But Anthony you were definitely really amazing! And you too, Kelly! Um, all of you were!" They turned to the other two speedsters in the group. "Oh, um, I do not think I ever asked your names! Ooh, ooh, or your powers! Um I mean I know that you are all speedsters obviously but um do you have differences in your speed powers? Like Kelly's rainbow trail path thing or my friend Michelle who can, um, 'vibe through matter'?"