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Thread: Avalon Academy IC

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    Titan in the Playground
    Quellian-dyrae's Avatar

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    Dec 2006

    Default Re: Avalon Academy IC


    Kelly whooshed into the gathering spot in a blur of color, grinning hugely. Yeah, she could admit it, staying in one place had been driving her just a little stir-crazy. Kelly had gotten her powers at roughly the same time she otherwise would have gotten her driver's license (which she had foregone as a result, because it would have been functionally useless to her and she was pretty sure the DMV counted as a form of Speedster Kryptonite; she had no conclusive evidence that any speedsters had actually literally died there, but that may have just been because they all had the sense to stay away). It was like taking the natural teenager sense of "I can drive now" freedom and multiplying it by like a thousand. Being restricted to a single town when she had all of Europe to explore would undoubtedly feel just as stifling in due course, but at the moment it carried a feeling of tremendous liberation.

    Although it was absolutely helped by the equally freeing fact that she could leave her freaking uniform and its Dread Tie hanging forlornly in her closet. She had gleefully exchanged it for a white tank top with the Olympic rings on the front in gold, and the word STRIVE beneath them, and a pair of sky blue shorts. Her hair was rainbow-colored today.

    "Okay so I just need directions and I'll meet-"

    "One at a time, single file, now I know you're all excited but the sooner you're sat down the sooner we can get going."


    With a little sigh, Kelly found a seat aboard the bus. She considered herself too naturally positive a person to mutter any imprecations as she did so, but that didn't mean she wasn't thinking them.

    Kelly was not one of those speedsters who constantly existed in a painfully slow world. She had to devote some trifle of concentration to actually hastening her perceptions and such. Forty minutes on the bus passed at precisely the same rate for her as for any other student. It was merely her own impatience that made it feel like forty years. Hopefully whoever ended up sitting next to her enjoyed conversation. (Kelly's impulse to chatter scaled with her impatience.)

    When they finally reached the town, Kelly fidgeted through the driver's final admonitions, nodding her head with jerky rapidity with every word.

    "Now does anybody have any questions before you leave?"

    Kelly blinked, looked at the driver, looked out the window at the police cordon, looked back at the driver, looked back at the cordon.

    Seriously, what?

    "Nope, no questions, byeeeee!" she answered. As soon as the bus door was open she whooshed out, and a couple whole seconds later a trail of rainbow zipped up to (but not past - Mom and Dad's Rules for Effective Superheroics #6: Always foster a friendly, professional, and mutually cooperative relationship with local law enforcement) the police cordon and Kelly was standing there, now in her costume. The astute would notice that the pockets of the shorts she had been wearing, while sufficient for say her phone and wallet, and perhaps the handles of her whips, certainly hadn't had enough room to hold her costume. And her costume wasn't like made of nanites or something, she wasn't wearing any jewelry that it could have been stored in... Really, it was hard to imagine an alternative to the possibility that she had left it at the school, which made sense because that was indeed what she had done.

    Rules were stupid sometimes.

    "Hi! I'm Streamer. Is there something I can assist with, officer...?" she asked the nearest police officer with a cheerful confidence, trailing off after the word officer in a "what's your name?" sort of way.

    Routine Persuasion for 26 to improve the officer's initial reaction. 31 if Attractive applies.
    Last edited by Quellian-dyrae; 2019-10-23 at 03:09 PM.
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