Zarrachia, Adria & Ellie
Koma nods, seized of the need for introductions. The little goblin steps forward, so he's just on the edge of the riverbank on their side of the cavern. He's a short, grey skinned creature - with red swirls painted on his face, long ears that end in points, and wearing a fancy looking blue coat with golden trim. "Koma, hero of goblins, Chief Hunter of Cindersnouts!" Behind him, Koma hears a groan. "Uuuugh." Trying to force a smile, Koma waves at the still groggy looking goblin on the ground beneath him. "This Ody the Bold. Also Cindersnout!"

Nihnin sighs. She wears the same blue coat as her counterparts, but hers has been coated in a thin layer of grime, designed to help it blend into the darkness of Oenopion's backstreets a little better, and her version of the face paint seems less elaborate. "Nihnin. Also Cindersnout."

The little girl on the right hand side of the cavern chimes in. She's almost as well dressed as Ellie for this occasion, wearing a black tunic with silver trim. Her hair is also a humble black, running to her shoulders, and she wears a pair of circular horn rimmed glasses. She bows politely to first Ellie's group, then to her own friends. "Peridora Komachi Naraba. At your service."