Quote Originally Posted by Anonymouswizard View Post
I suspect that lots of little jars might have been about not having one jar sitting around for a week going off, because I remember hollandaise going off quickly. Although I suppose if you're jarring it instead of making it fresh it might keep longer.
It just seemed odd to me that there was nothing larger got, because it was a very consistent amount that was gone through, and one would think one larger jar would be easier for transport and cheaper. But... what do I know?

Good, at least you won't try to pinch my eggs
To be frank (and I'm not - sorry about the identity theft, Frank), I've not really enjoyed eggs much since my times working at McDonalds in the kitchen. When you have to crack and serve literally around 300 eggs per day, and smell them through your entire shift because of the stupid all day breakfast stuff... it's enough to really, really put you off eggs. I've finally gotten around to being able to stomach them again (I do love me a good scrambled)… but I'll still not actively seek them out.