[Descending into Darkness - Archera, KABAL & Halae]

Archera does as she's asked. She stands watching the woman with obvious suspicion, even despite her change in demeanor. She quickly adds a couple more steps of distance once the light show starts.

[Eastside Apartments]

There's not much activity in the apartment at this time of day. Most people have probably settled after supper at this point. He goes undisturbed during his wait.

A half hour later if he listens at the door again he won't hear what he heard before at least. He can make out some talking. "-not taking any chances, baby." It's the woman's voice he heard earlier.

There's some murmuring and then he hears the creek of the floor as someone walks closer to the door, but just passing by. "You want some water?" A course man's voice asks, from the direction he heard walking.

"Sure, just hurry back~" The woman calls, from the other side of the apartment presumably.