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Thread: WindStruck and Zene's The Haunting IC

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    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Default Re: WindStruck and Zene's The Haunting IC

    Many portions of the chapel have collapsed due to rubble and there are no sets of stairs immediately visible to you.

    Spoiler: Successful Combined Archaeology and Extreme Idea (Intelligence) Roll Where Only One Must Succeed
    Based on the layout of chapel, you would surmise that the there would be stairs down to a basement, but most probable location appears to be cordoned off due to the rubble.

    Lois shrugs, "'S why I brought rope." She looks around to try and set up some sort of pulley-esque/brace rope system.

    Lois Fails her initial Mechanical Repair roll.

    Finding nothing immediately suitable (and safe), she decides, being the spirited woman she is, to play it dangerous and adheres it to a bit of unstable rubble. However, after actually attempting this procedure she pulls on it experimentally and it seems relatively safe. She shrugs, "Good enough."

    She subsequently Pushes the roll (with the rationale that she's going to attempt this with little regard for her safety), and gets a Success.