There were a few more questions from the assembled students, how long they had, how far they were allowed to go and what sort of things they could expect to find around town, but with those answered they filed out of the bus and whilst a few students lingered drawn by the police cordon most of them vanished off down side roads whilst the teacher locked up the van and made his way to a nearby cafe.

"Michaels, thank goodness you're here, we weren't sure if the call got through." The officer introduced himself, obviously he didn't know who Streamer was, but the school providing the town with super powered protectors wasn't exactly a secret (they had a sign up sheet and rota and everything) and he'd been working long enough to know that when some kid in a fancy costume wanted to help you darn well let them.

"We got a call from the library then our equipment started playing up. The first dispatch we sent never called back in and neither did the ones we sent after them, that's when we closed the street up and cordoned it off." He filled Kelly in, pointing ahead towards the large stone building at the top of the high street.

Elsewhere on the street it was understandable that the sweet shop had caught Claire's attention what with its twee window display of a small village green populated by tiny anthropomorphic creatures dressed in old-fashioned clothes and dotted with sweets, beyond that the shop proper looked like it hadn't been updated in many many years, lined with shelves filled with heavy glass jars containing every variety of brightly coloured sweets...hey wait a minute. Did that bunny just pull a face at her? And where was its costume...?