Quote Originally Posted by Sexyshoeless View Post
Path of the Brawler
Pretty solid. A few things here and there.

Quote Originally Posted by Sexyshoeless View Post
Without the mystical training of a monk, it takes something extra to take on the horrors of the world with ones bare hands. Those that follow the Path of the Brawler tap into wells of deep rage and physical might to go toe to toe with any opponent - man, beast or outsider.
"Outsider" is such a 3.X term. It also kind of ruins the phrasing. I'd consider going with just "man or beast".

Quote Originally Posted by Sexyshoeless View Post
Lvl 3. Mighty Brawler. Your might is such that your bare hands are deadly weapons.

Your unarmed strike deals 1d4 damage. At level 6 this increases to a d6. Your unarmed strikes count as light weapons.

Additionally, you gain proficiency with improvised weapons.

While raging, if you take the attack action you may make an unarmed strike, shove or grapple attempt using your bonus action.
Giving unarmed strikes the light property seems needless. Sure, you're not always raging, but I think this subclass is about hulking out, not light weapons. That stuff is for monks! And, at any rate, while you're not raging you're usually better off with a big weapon.

Quote Originally Posted by Sexyshoeless View Post
Lvl 6. Tossed like chaff. You are a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield, tossing, slamming and crushing your enemies in your wake.

Whenever an enemy fails a contested ability check to be shoved, overrun or grappled by you, they take your strength +rage bonus in damage. This does not apply to actions spent to escape your grapples. You may in place of an attack against a grappled enemy initiate a contested athletics check - dealing your rage damage +STR in damage on a victory.
The wording of the second paragraph just doesn't jive with the 5e aesthetic. It could stand a bit of revision.

Having said that, most barbarian subclasses have a non-combat feature at 6th. Lacking such a feature, this subclass feels a bit one-dimensional.

Quote Originally Posted by Sexyshoeless View Post
Lvl 10. Incredible Bulk
Your unarmed strikes are so powerful they ignore resistance, but not immunity to non magical or magical bludgeoning damage.

Additionally, while in a rage you count as One size larger for the purposes of carrying, shoving and grappling.
This is fine. Solid 10th-level feature.

Quote Originally Posted by Sexyshoeless View Post
Lvl 14. Juggernaut. You are an unstoppable force on the battlefield. You have advantage on saving throws vs effects to knock you prone, decrease your movement speed, or otherwise move or hold you against your will.

Additionally, if you are forced to make a dexterity saving throw or targeted by an attack while you are grappling an enemy of your size or smaller, you may use your reaction to interpose their body in the way. You gain advantage on the saving throw or a +2 to AC against the attack and your grappled foe is also subject to the attack or saving throw. You may not use this ability to cause a creature to be struck by their own attacks.
Ah, the ol' human shield trick. Another solid feature.