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Thread: Avalon Academy IC

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    Ogre in the Playground
    Dorni's Avatar

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    Jul 2005

    Default Re: Avalon Academy IC

    Anthony had been looking forward to this trip. He wasn't allowed to leave the school yet. He kinda understood their reasons, but really, how long were they planning on keeping him 'under observation'? How much longer before they decided they either trusted he wasn't some kind of threat or they didn't? Oh, he was enjoying the school, but he wanted to see the world outside of it. So he'd been really excited for the trip once he found out they were allowing him out. Maybe they were finally coming around. Or maybe they figured with so many students and faculty in town today they could sniff him out even if he was some kind of mole for the bad guys. Whatever the cause, he'd been thrilled to find out about the field trip.

    So he'd opted for an England soccer jersey and a pair of shorts for the day and packed aboard the bus. The ride felt like it was taking forever. So long that he'd started absentmindedly bouncing his foot in impatience. He'd had to stop in a hurry once he realized he was starting to rock the bus. The bus still seemed like a waste though - he himself could outrun the bus without too much difficulty, and he was fairly sure that a bunch of the others could to. To say nothing of the speedsters.

    He envied the speedsters when they arrived in town to find a police line. Somehow their powers allowed them to move in a blur without disturbing the world around him. His power was a pure physical enhancement - which meant that when he tried to stick his foot in the ground and accelerate he was more likely to kick straight through the thin metal of the bus floor. He couldn't just cut in line while everyone filed off the bus.

    So it took him a minute to follow along with the wave of disembarking students before he could get free, by which time Aiden and Kelly were already in conversation with the officers. Briefly he considered taking a cue from the other students and leaving to explore the city while those two handed whatever the problem was.

    He discarded the notion and jogged towards them. Exploring the town could wait - it wasn't going anywhere. Kelly and Aiden were friends and he wasn't about to abandon his friends. Not when there might be people in need or maybe some danger.

    "Sorry I'm late. I'm in. What are we doing?"
    Last edited by Dorni; 2019-11-11 at 02:31 PM.
    With your every step, these grand adventures shall grow more distant and faint. And there may come a day when you forget the faces and voices of those you have met along the way. On that day, I bid you remember this... That no matter how far your journey may take you, you stand where you stand by virtue of the road you walked to get there.