Quote Originally Posted by Bartmanhomer View Post
No. I love dragons. It's not an obsession.
I mean, to be fair, in the past two weeks, you've started at least four dragon-related threads, including this one, two of which specifically deal with "let's put D&D Dragon Deities in X setting." That's not a slight, but a pattern does begin to emerge.

What frustrates me is that you don't actually go anywhere with these ideas.

For example, in this thread, you could have said, "I have this idea for D&D Dragon Deities as Pokemon. Like, this one would basically be Palkia, but this one would be Dragon Fairy, and this one would be Dragon Fire, obviously. And there could be a story - like a movie - where this happens, then this, then this." You know, share ideas. Talk about what makes your concept cool. Start an actual conversation. Instead, you just sort of drop the idea and just see if anyone bites. "Hey, Dragon Deities as Pokemon, discuss." That's not really a conversation. It's not even really an idea. It's a half-idea, still looking for its final evolution form.

I feel that you could get some good conversation going if you took those extra steps to go somewhere with it, is my point. If, instead of just dropping a single-sentence thread topic, you went somewhere with it. Generally, you're more likely to see quality responses if people can see that you were willing to put the work in on the idea. Not to be crass, but if you can't express why you like the idea and want to discuss it, why should anyone else want to discuss it? So try fleshing things out a bit more, is my point.