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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Magic the Gathering Thread XXIV: *Slaps Roof* This Thread Can Hold So Many Chand

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow of the Sun View Post
    Doug Beyer, the head of WotC's creative department, was apparently blindsided by the novel.

    So we might have a left-hand right-hand thing.

    This is why we have character bibles, guys.
    Not only that, Maro wasn' aware of some of the details as well. He's not related to the story team at all, but as one of the public faces of Magic who answers fan questions consistently, every day, he should probably be briefed about stuff like "Oh by the way we decided that, because previous books have made it clear that ghosts can hide in planeswalkers and objects to travel the blind eternities, Kaya can do the same by possessing someone in her ghost form".

    There's a lot of Stuff going on that makes it clear that Nic Kellman, new lead of story and noted writer of a book about ****ing children, is a bad person and should be ousted. Fingers crossed. It won't solve everything because Hasbro exists, but it'll at least be something.
    Last edited by LaZodiac; 2019-11-15 at 08:59 AM.