Quote Originally Posted by LaZodiac View Post
The way the book is written and the way he talks about the book makes it clear he does. Kelman has not shown any signs of changing
This is incredibly vague. I have not read the book, but I did look at the reviews, and there were a lot of people who didn't interpret it that way, so I would be careful about claiming your interpretation as the one final truth.

and ever since he took the lead the stories been kinda falling apart.
Him being a bad writer has nothing to do with him being a bad person.

Also, 13 year olds should not be having sex with adults. It is not slander to call them children, because they are.
From what I read online the book didn't meantion any ages, so they could have been 13, they could also have been 15, which is legal age several places in Europe.
I never said they should, I said they're not children. When you use the word children you are making people who read your comment think the book is something different than it actually is.