Quote Originally Posted by Tzardok View Post

I am not quite sure what you are asking here. Do you want to know which real-world culture that was addpated to D&D is the oldest? If yes, the answer is (depending on whom you ask) Egypt, Mesopotamia or China. Of those at least Mesopotamia has a legend about an artificial person: Enkidu was a beast-man made by the gods from clay to punish Gilgamesh for offending Ishtar. Didn't work, because Enkidu and Gilgamesh instead became friends shonen-style.
Enkidu is pretty much exactly what I was looking for. The most perfect. THANK you.

That episode of Extra Mythology was the best.

Quote Originally Posted by afroakuma View Post
Leaning a bit more into real-world religion there than I'm comfortable with. If you're looking at those pantheons, though, you're looking at humans, a comparatively recent addition to the cosmos as a whole. You're evidently doing A Thing, why not just make something up for it?

Equal parts fishing for inspiration and laziness. Y'know, writing.