Quote Originally Posted by LichPlease View Post
Overrated: Any overly optimized character (Sorcadin, Sorlock/Coffeelock, Padlock, Bear Totem Moon Druid, etc.). As much as I have many issues with 5e, this edition is so balanced, building a character like this for reasons beyond roleplaying is so dull. If you're new to 5e, give one of em a good run and get it out of your system. Beyond that, there's plenty of ability in just about any other build.

Underrated: Undying Warlock. So much that I wrote a guide in defense of it here: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showt...2#post23535972 I'm still peeved that Nerdarchy made a video about an entire party of Warlocks and still openly crapped on and left out the Undying.

Irrational Love: Any necromancy/dark themed class/subclass. Sorry, I have to channel my inner goth somehow.

Irrational Hate: Paladins. I didn't mind them until I played with a tyrannically Lawful Good Paladin player who insisted on immediatley killing any undead I created even when I tried to be as accommodating as possible (won't clog the board, will destroy after mission accomplished, etc.). From now on, I dread anyone in my group playing a Paladin when I plan on playing a necromancer, which is more often than not.
Yes, Yes, yes, annnnd yes. As a DM I very rarely allow multiclassing at my table anymore.

Not because sorcadins, sorlocks, and rage bears are too powerful, but because they are so focused on combat (and only one aspect of combat) that the player hasn't given any though to backstory, role play, narrative etc. You know the parts that make it different from playing a video game.

I'm perfectly content to let everyone think that Undying warlocks suck. Yep everyone they suck. Don't play them. That way when I play one very effectively in combat, social interaction, and exploration, all the smite donkeys can just be green with envy.

I love dark anti-hero PCs. Yeah even at my table when I DM. It's called playing for your audience. You might be the DM, but It's the player's game. Not every adventure has to be GOOD vs EVIL

So obviously yeah I hate over the top do gooders. And I think lots of Dawn Forge cast fans play do gooder Paladins. But I've also seen a lot of people play edgier less stereotypical versions. So I can't hate too much.